Happy thanksgiving mate!
Happy thanksgiving mate!
f**k yourself
Best name out there amirite?
It sure is!
I like his name
I like yours too
I think you might have goofed something then, I just did a run, got 4 nests as well with the magic birdhouses. My clan is saying similar things for magic birdhouses.
We'll keep an eye on it but after double checking, there's no sign Magic houses specifically are bugged. Remember that you're a small sample and Magic houses are one of the most used.
Since we don't get to vote on Integrity issues, can we have some sort of ability to revisit these issues in 2 weeks or a month?
Like, see how much nests are worth, how many people do birdhouses now, how the reduction of birdhouses may impact tree seed prices leading up to Kebos, so on?
Yep - we'll monitor the changes and the effect they have to inform us of any necessary tweaking.
consider me very triggered /s
I'll do another one later, but if possible I'd like to see how the drop rates are calculated. It just sounds like either bad rng or the formula for magic bird houses is unbalanced.
It scales almost perfectly evenly. I'll look to get you all the exact scaling soon!
Don't forget about me pls </3
I won't! I asked Ash to double check the Magic bird house code specifically and there's nothing peculiar - still sounds like bad RNG.
I'm consistently getting under 3 nests at 79 hunter with magic houses.
There's nothing specific to do with the code referring to Magic bird houses that would indicate there's a bug or that they behave differently. Sounds like bad RNG.
I think most of these changes were a bit overkill. Can you guys (/u/JagexGambit) take a look at these again for next week/week after? Magic birdhouses seem to be broken, and while I don't PVP it sounds like the angler change is overkill
We'll keep an eye on the changes and tweak where necessary :)
I think you might have goofed something then, I just did a run, got 4 nests as well with the magic birdhouses. My clan is saying similar things for magic birdhouses.
Sounds like bad RNG. Similar to Farming, your nest "yield" will vary.
Don't balance the game around iron lol...
To be clearer, we take the game mode into consideration but don't generally change or design content specifically for it.
Is it possible i can send a message from my account (OuntoNation) and you can pick it up? If so, where should I message? I realise this is my last chance to prove my case and I understand I will not pursue this any further after this case is finished, I just need one more chance to detail some events I have not disclosed on my Reddit post, if you can hear me out on this one occasion I would greatly appreciate it.
You can send a message, and mention me in it if you like - I struggle to see what you might say that could change anything but everyone deserves the chance to be heard of course.
Our concern with Callisto was having a boss that iron players
You specifically mention Ironman players there.
Also it isn't a big issue for ironmen but I'd imagine they add to the profitability of the boss that's one of the riskiest if THE riskiest wilderness bosses.
Nests from Callisto weren't the reason the market completely tanked. That was obviously birdhouses.
I just don't understand why you're being extremely heavy handed, when if you just acted faster (like 3+ months ago) with the birdhouse nerf this wouldn't even be a discussion.
It's a frustrating repeating pattern with Jagex. You leave things in the game for too long (Zulrah, Splashing, NMZ etc) and never act on them until the damage is usually irreparable.
Despite players telling you daily otherwise, it really feels like you just don't give a shit sometimes. When literally everyone on this sub could see this coming months ago.
I understand how that's frustrating. I'll take that into account and push for us to act faster when it comes to re-balancing things that are too powerful on release.
u/JagexGambit am I going crazy or did you mention something in the recent Q&A about the possibility of increasing the nests from WCing in the future if these changes were a bit too strict?
Can’t find it anywhere in the news post but might be a good idea to include it for those who missed or don’t watch the Q&A.
Thanks for all you do!
I appreciate that! Yes, we did discuss that idea - Ash also mentioned buffing the Rabbit foot necklace to perhaps increase the chance of seeds in nests.
No one goes to Callisto for nest drops..
Mole is much faster, much safer and much less effort even if you just use something like void instead of DH.
Why are you balancing things for a meta and gamemode you clearly have no idea about?
When you say gamemode, are you talking about ironmen? We don't center our updates/balancing around ironmen.
In response to your point of nobody going to Callisto for bird nests - removing them should not be a big issue then. But it does contribute to the effort to remove skilling resources from PvM drops and to reduce the number of nests coming into game.
Is it really that unlucky though? My 3 runs today were 2, 4, 2 nests. Is there any plan to provide the new formula? My rough math based on 3 runs puts me down about 70% nests per run.
It is. I'll chase up the exact rates, but at level you can expect around 8 nests a run.
Then fix callisto so that it’s viable to kill without a safespot... why is mole the only source jagex wants irons to get brews from so suddenly
That was the original design intention of the mole.