Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

22 Nov


Originally posted by ay_lmfao

Can anyone explain the gmaul change?

You can no longer activate the special attack bar on the G Maul, switch to another weapon and wait for a hit before switching back to the G Maul for an instant spec.


Originally posted by meesrs

We decided this was necessary as the cost of brews was being lowered to a point that regular food was affected.

I'm 100% sure brews have 0 impact on food prices lmao. Brews and food aren't comparable, they are used in completely different situations. Smh.

When brews become cheaper to use than regular food, they start to be used for more situations, crashing the price of food.


Originally posted by Beaann999



I wanted to clarify a couple of things because there is some misinformation in your post that could cause concern for other users. In particular, you imply that a hijacker can get Bonds onto an account without actually paying for them, simply by ordering them and then cancelling the payment.

This is not true. If a Bond is added to an account through a transaction, the transaction is completed, and the funds are taken by us and before the Bonds are applied. Anyone thinking there is some sort of loophole here where hijackers can cause financial issues to account owners by adding unpaid for Bonds can be 100% assured that is not the case and can not happen.

In terms of your negative credit situation, I obviously don't wish to discuss individual transactions and I'd like to avoid this becoming some sort of 'smackdown' post and instead try to keep things informative. That said I think there is value in outlining some key points of this particular case, which i...

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Originally posted by russellpk

Hey how’s it goin? Hopefully you can help! OSRS name is Russellpk - my plan was to purchase 1 month of membership and 1 bond.

I used to play RS and recently came back to learn about bonds. Trying to follow the steps on a YouTube page. I accidentally used the bond for 14 days of membership instead of my initial reason for buying the bond, was to sell in-game for GP

Now I’m left with no GP and on top of that it didn’t even give me the extra 14 days. I still only have 30. If you can take off the 14 days and give me the bond I’d appreciate it. I have the receipt/card info/confirmation email.

The Support Centre is your friend - click the link in the top right hand corner of the RuneScape Page (or on the left menu on OSRS), enter your search term in the search box (in this case 'bonds') and you'll see a list of relevant articles - to save you time, here's a link to the page you need to contact us about your Bond query:


21 Nov


Originally posted by [deleted]


This was a false alarm...but if you fancy getting your hands on one, try poking around the merch store at 10am UK time tomorrow. I heard on the grape vine that some might be air dropped in.


Originally posted by zombiekiller0

I want star wars galaxy back so bad

I'm currently playing it at SWG Legends. Ccu 500-1000


Post your questions for this week's Q&A!

As always, try to provoke discussion over Yes/No questions.


20 Nov


Originally posted by PointMaker4Jesus

My point being that if they made a definitive statement they could be called hypocrites.

I just looked up the definition of that word and I think it means something neither of us knew.


Originally posted by VisionLSX

Plis. I want to play armies of gielinor

I'm sorry, I don't know about that. :(


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

Customer support too...... Or.....?

Yes that too.


Originally posted by BROCKHAMPTOM

No I was one of the guys just wondering why they're so adamant about gayness and then it surfaced that some of the jmods are actually gay lol

Why wouldn't we be?


Originally posted by mayhempk1

While you're here and you're essentially a lead product manager/owner for OSRS, can you comment on adding Runelite-like features to mobile since there won't be a Runelite mobile? Lots of us would love to see it happen, and I'm certain you guys can create additional buttons and interfaces to make it happen and be fully toggleable so people can experience the game however they want to. Things like ground item overlay (preferably with changeable colors), highlighting agility rooftop spots, etc. Is something like that possible? Should we expect to see something like that?

The good thing about this is if you add the Runelite features from the desktop version of the game to the mobile version of the game, it's a one-and-done kind of thing - no need (or, much less need) to then port the changes to the desktop version of the game since Runelite already is a fantastic open-source option that anyone can enjoy completely for free, just add the relevant features to the mobile client an...

All I can say is that we are looking at it.


Originally posted by BillehBear

How do you genuinely see Rs3 progressing in years though? It's been on a decline for years while OS has been growing really well

I totally understand being optimistic but shouldn't you be thinking realistic as well?

I think I should leave that conversation to the RuneScape team. But I am really optimistic for its future.


Originally posted by KaribouLouDied

I love how active ya'll are in the community. You guys also seem to have the players best interest in mind; I dig it. In an age where to many gaming companies really dont give a flying f**k about their customer, you all seem to.

Thank you. :)


Originally posted by epicxownage

Thanks dad

NP, do your homework.


Originally posted by rippel_effect

I fully realize nobody at Jagex can say with any kind of certainty, but I'm curious:

Hypothetically, if RuneScape as a whole (including OSRS) were to die, would Jagex consider releasing or selling a standalone, offline version without any continued updates or support?

If the whole RS franchise was to cease to exist it would be sensible to do that depending on the work that needs to be done to allow it to happen. It is rarely a case of just releasing code. You're going to be playing for many many years to come so I don't think we'll ever need to find out.


Originally posted by Rightis

I get that perfectly and believe that oldschool team has our best interests in mind, it's just the uncertainty about foreign owners that public know pretty much nothing about.

I'm sure that Fukong understands that as well and are well informed about demographics of both games so they wouldn't jump a gun to do radical changes, especially with the success of mobile, but often only the worst case scenario is considered.

Many doomsayers think if Rs3 loses their whales and revenue is going to be lower, investors would want to monetize 07 more and there would be no way to stop it. It's not like polling is a law that you must abide.

That said, I believe there's a big group of players that are burned out and keep playing only because they are addicted, due to sunken cost(time) fallacy or are playing only sometimes with long breaks between. I think many of such players actually somewhat hope that we get more mtx just so they have a reason to quit.

One thing to note is we don't have investors, we have owners. This means there is no quick flipping of companies on the GE to make a few extra GPs.


Originally posted by Xeron_R

As a returning player, (thanks for hooking me w/ mobile osrs btw) it's refreshing to see a quick response from a Jagex Mod directly on a reddit post. In some MMOs I've played in the past, it can take the publishers/devs a week or more to formulate some meaningless PR fodder with empty promises. From my perspective, you guys are nailing it with community interaction and response, so thank you.

Thanks mate.


Originally posted by screen317


Very curious what you guys consider to be "some wrong decision" carried out by you guys. Would be interesting to hear your perspective on this.

To name a few that spring to mind; trying to close Runelite, taking so long to sort our NMZ, integrity changes that took to long to make, etc.


Originally posted by Throvv_4vvay

more mechanics for the engine work? 🚘🔧🙂

Yeah, more of those too.