Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

17 Feb


Writing up a blog for the players to see in the coming weeks :)


Hey guys. We appreciate that the fix has been a while coming, but it is something we've been working on. It's not quite as simple as a game content change.

Mod Acorn recently replied to a thread by the same OP, but for more context (since there are more replies and votes here), here's the status of the fix:

It hasn't been forgotten about. Any update to...

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Originally posted by [deleted]

Why is ahk bannable if it's 1:1 just like hotkeys. Yet youre allowed to use F keys lol

Because it's an automation program


Originally posted by Leebleh

Thanks Tyran, can I ask if OSbuddy and Runelite or whatever the other one is called is bannable by the way?

OSBuddy and Runelite are fine.


Hi there! It hasn't been forgotten about. Any update to mobile needs to be tested by us, and then it also needs to be tested by the App Store. It's actively being worked on, and we hope to be able to update you soon.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm not sure your suggestion would take out the 40,000+ other accounts currently being banned on a daily basis that you're not seeing.


Originally posted by rs_xmas

I'm guessing a short term ban?

Oh right, well 'yep' if the account is not banned then it can become a P Mod


Originally posted by yellowbananadude

Hey :) can :) I :) be :) your:) next :) pmod :) ? :) I :) fit :) the :) criteria:)

Anyone who meets the criteria has a chance, need more smileys though


Originally posted by vixiefern

can you be a pmod if you got banned 12 years ago?

If you've been banned you wouldn't have an account to be made a P Mod ... what am i missing ...


Originally posted by taintedcake

But surely it's jmods who determine who goes on the list? Cause most pmods seem to be players who hung out in chats that jmods also hung out in regularly whether it be on their jmod account or their personal account

Nope it's not decided by J Mods, the raw list of names names comes from a data set of pre-determined requirements, none of which are related to clan chat activity


Originally posted by xsevenmillionx

I hope there is actually q list of exemplary players n not players who sit in clan chats. You guys should create a random acc n test your next p mods

Clan chat membership / activity is not even in the initial P Mod checks ....


This week we're back to a regular Q&A on Wednesday at 5pm (UTC) here - twitch.tv/OldSchoolRS

We also have a special 7th Anniversary livestream happening on Friday so stay tuned!

In the meantime, leave any questions you have for the team down below and we'll answer as many as we can!

External link →

Originally posted by 6000000cookies

Why would you demod his account? Surely it's not vulnerable forever because it got hijacked once... right?

Because we don't know exactly why it was hijacked, for all we know the owner could be sharing it - there is no reason for us to accept any risk of our players being muted unfairly and we'd rather offer the role to the next person on the (long) waiting list instead of retaining a p mod account with a known historical security breach.


This P Mod account was hijacked for about 4 hours. We secured the account so the owner could recover it and removed any mutes issued in that time, most of which were actually OK but there were some malicious ones as well. The longest anyone was unfairly muted in this incident was 1 hour.

It's a really unfortunate incident, but hijacking of P Mod accounts does happen from time to time and we act swiftly as soon as we become aware of it, we also check P Mod account security once a week to ensure they remain secure.

We have demodded this account, but I would ask that if you see the player in game not to hate on them - although everyone has a responsibility to keep their account details secure, the context is it was a hijacker and not the account owner that caused the issues for other players.



It's being corrected with this week's game update :)


Originally posted by B888888B

/u/JagexGambit /u/JagexAcorn /u/JagexSween might want to reassess how you give mod status out, dozens of cases like this out there. Just remove player mod lol, it's pointless

This has been flagged to the Support Team that handles Player Moderators. Thanks for the heads up!

16 Feb