Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

25 Sep


Originally posted by WobblestheGreat

Can we have a right click option to recharge our scepter with the mummy at pyrmid plunder? Additionally, can we make the scepter one handed since our character clearly holds it with 1 hand.

This one was suggested recently and added to the backlog :)

24 Sep


We used to get loads of letters like this around then. I headed up the team responding to them, but we could only do it to the inbox of the accounts that sent it. Sorry if you never got a reply - although I get the feeling you didn't actually send it.


Let us know which questions you’d like answered on this week’s Q&A tomorrow at 5pm UK time!


External link →

23 Sep

21 Sep


I was wondering what would happen to OSBuddy now that Automaton has gone bust. I'd expect more to come if I was you.

20 Sep


Originally posted by PM_ME_UR_360_NOSCOPE

As others have pointed out, stop trying to treat the symptoms and, instead, tackle the actual root of the problem.

What you shouldn’t be asking: “how can we make it easier for PvP updates to pass polls?”

What you should be asking: “how can we fix the fundamental design of PvP so that people won’t automatically associate it with negative thoughts, emotions, and experiences?”

The biggest issue is that PvP is heavily focused on hunting players who have no actual interest in PvP. If you move all of the PvM content out of the wilderness, then I guarantee you that a lot of the PvMers wouldn’t have such a negative attitude and opinion towards PvP in general.

TLDR; Don’t coerce PvMers into the wildy just so that PvPers can have ample opportunity for easy prey. Instead, incentivize PvPers to fight other PvPers. Make it more rewarding to kill a PvPer than it would be to kill a non-PvPer.

Thanks for that feedback - it’s a very common theme in this thread and I’ll make sure to take note.


Originally posted by The_Entire_Eurozone

It would absolutely lessen my concerns. In fact, it would basically dispel them entirely. I'm a little concerned about it creating confusion among new players, but that sounds like a fun problem for Jagex.

Just... Please don't dismiss the latest LMS poll for whiny pvmers. I voted nay to a lot of the rewards because I didn't like what they were or felt them very "out there".

Thanks for the feedback. There’s quite a few people indicating that the design/quality of the rewards was the main issue in the LMS poll.


Originally posted by reinfleche

I think the council sounds extremely questionable integrity wise. I'm not opposed to the idea of items that only work on pvp/bh worlds, but how would you limit who can vote? By bh kills? By pvp world kills?

That’s the question. What do you think it the best way to select eligible voters in the scenario?


Originally posted by johnhugem

Even if you bring equipment to anti-PK you are at a massive disadvantage against the Pker.

You now have PVM/Skilling+PVP gear in your inventory, PVM/Skilling supplies and any loot you have obtained, Versus a fully supplied PKer.

Your only chance is a lucky spec, and if it doesn't come off the only thing you can genuinely do is run.

Yeah, I agree that's a fundamental problem with putting PvM content in the Wilderness. I'd prefer we focus on PKers fighting each other instead.


Originally posted by The_Entire_Eurozone

I'm a little concerned about the idea of just dismissing pvm votes. I voted nay to a lot of the LMS rewards not because it was PVP, but because I didn't like them. It concerns me we'll see a specific group of players empowered over others.

Even in the event that the impact of those rewards are limited to PvP? We'd continue polling things like LMS rewards which affect the whole game. But in the post we pitch the idea of limiting items to use on PvP worlds and BH worlds only. Would that lessen your concerns?


Originally posted by Chirpotk

I completely understand it's spiteful of me, and a low thing to do, but I absolutely spite vote-no to every PVP poll because of how much I hate PKers, and pvp in this game in general. PKers are nothing to me but my enemies, and the less they receive the better.

It's a bad stance I know, but I have nothing but vitriol. I wish they could do something about the animosity between the people who want to pk and the people that don't, but instead there's a thousand ways they try to get pvm/pve players out into the wilderness just to...ruin their experience and give pkers targets.

It seems like this animosity is baked into the game design for the last several years, not sure it can be reversed.

I appreciate the honesty. Maybe a focus on turning PvP into PKers fighting each other rather than hunting PvMers will help with this.


Originally posted by Draganot

Instead of trying to lure pvmers to the wildy, give incentive for pvpers or current pvmers to fight each other/back.

If you try to do any pvm in the wildy and you see a pker your only option is literally to run away unless you are decent enough at pvp to fight back. Even then, skull tricking is common enough that most players won’t even try to fight back. Fix skull tricking and people will be more willing to fight back knowing they can have advantage over the pker. Meanwhile, Jagex needs to also add incentive for pvpers to fight each other instead of just pvmers.

In theory, the incentive is already there - not dying and keeping your stuff. Maybe even getting some stuff from the PKer. In practice, this isn't what happens in the game when PvMers go to the Wilderness. Rather than equip themselves to put up a good fight, they take the minimal risk and try to escape in the event of being attacked, hence the predator/prey situation.

I'd agree that a focus on PKers fighting eachother is healthier for PvP than simply introducing more PvM content in the wilderness. The latter only breeds more animosity and results in a worse experience for both parties. Hopefully we can bring about the former with things like the LMS rework we recently did and the upcoming Bounty Hunter one.


Originally posted by 1-agility-irl

if the job of the council is to assist quality control for pvp content before offering it in the polls i'm all for it, i mustve misread it

and yeah offering extra context for ppl would definitely help ie looting bag in pvp worlds, spec-tab, spec transfer, running into safe zone, a little bit of context can rly help ppl understand why something is being offered




Originally posted by Sqiurmo

I'm assuming you're talking about the ancient warriors' weapons from this post: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/bounty-hunter-rewards-poll-blog?oldschool=1.

I did add an edit to my original post that pretty much addresses it a little before you responded here, sorry. To sum up, since it works against non-PvP players such as skillers in the wilderness (from my understanding), I would say it should be polled to everyone. I would say I'd personally vote no due to them being an even more efficient way to kill non-PvPers, even with the rarity, curse, and degrading mechanic.

Correct me if any of my info is off.

Edit: I also can't find info on if they would be tradeable or not.

Yeah, those are the weapons. The plan is to have them be tradeable.

What about in the example given in the post whereby they'd only work on PvP worlds or Bounty Hunter worlds (in the wilderness only)? That was skillers would have the option to be totally unaffected if they wish.


Originally posted by 1-agility-irl

we gotta restrict pvm updates so that only pvmers vote on it and we should get a pvm council to design stuff

high level content aimed at people with total level over 2k should only be able to be voted on by people with people over 2k total and we should have hlf for osrs

i get that you guys are trying to work on solutions, i really get it and appreciate the effort, but you see how this is silly

why do we gotta worry about spite vote from one particular group? do you not think that other people spite vote? do you think that people not just genuinely think something may or may not be good for the game?

maybe we could detail pvp blogs some more so ppl out of the loop could have some more info. but otherwise why do we need to have a special council for pvp?

We don’t have any evidence to support spite voting against other sub communities. I don’t think your examples work here because PvMers aren’t a minority group of voters. And the higher level players tend to want fewer changes to the game - although hopefully they enjoy the content we do make for them like raids.

I would agree that extra context for clarity helps poll questions.

We don’t necessarily need a council, but it would at least help ensure the designs of PvP content are high quality before they are offered in polls.


Originally posted by TheHappyPittie

Thats fair, for sure. If pvp poll only content is limited to those worlds im all for it. I vote in favour of most pvp polls already. My biggest concern is the slippery slope. For now the content of these polls is limited solely to pvp/bh worlds but will that always be the case? If so, great. If that can’t be guaranteed I’d have to be opposed.

Reasonable. We’re committed to our philosophy of letting players vote on content that affects them. It’s just a question of defining that separation by working out things like the example of tradeable items we mention.


Originally posted by Sqiurmo

It would depend on the item itself, really. Something like a new pvp potion could devalue currently existing potions (this applies to any new consumables). A new weapon/armour that only exists for PvP could similarly devalue current weapons /armourthat PvPers commonly purchase.

So the new item would have to be either incredibly well balanced and distanced from current content to not effect it, or have an utterly unique effect/mechanic that is completely different from existing items, so that the items don't tread on each others' toes.

I know that devaluation is really not a big deal, but it still does effect things, and so the people it may effect should have a say.

I'm aware this is a rather extreme opinion of the whole topic, so take it with a grain of salt.

Thanks - so would you be concerned with the PvP weapons offered for BH? Given the degrading mechanic, unique tier (78) and being extremely rare, they should have a minimal effect on other items. They’d be for special use rather than everyday PvP also.


Originally posted by poklok44

I think rather than taking away a voice from PvMers it's more important to incentivise PvPers to target other PvPers. As it currently stands there doesn't seem to be a lot of reasons for a PvPer to hunt another PvPer when they could just get free kills on people PvMing in the wilderness

I agree. Hopefully the recent focus on mini games where pkers fight each other (LMS and BH) will help.