Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

13 Dec


Originally posted by surprisedropbears

Yes its silly. Yes some of the images turned to crap for some reason. Also its wayy too long and it's 272 days early, but I thought I would post it now since I don't know what'll be happening in September and if I can do it then.

Happy Future Cake Day /u/jagexayiza ! Will miss you :(

This would have made an awesome cake day post! Thanks for sharing it with me early <3


It’s time to tell the truth...

I actually prefer Sandwich Lady over Nieve.


Originally posted by [deleted]



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Old School's 2018 Christmas Event is finally here!
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It's been two months since we announced the Kebos Lowlands and the team have been hard at work to have everything finished ready for its release on January 10th

12 Dec


Hey all,

I just wanted to say thank you for the kind gestures and love you’ve shown me this evening. I’ve just got home and can safely say I’m extremely overwhelmed right now.

If I could respond to you all individually I would, but I’m afraid I’d likely not sleep for a week, so hopefully this will suffice!

I’ve had an amazing time at Jagex, made even better by each and every one of you wonderful folk that frequent this subreddit.

Keep REEEE’ing when you’re not happy.
Keep posting your memes.
Keep giving your feedback.

But most importantly, keep being the community I know and love.

External link →

I'm sad to be losing you. You're going to leave some big shoes to fill


Originally posted by Igno4

For anyone who hasn't watched the video and is wondering why he's leaving:

Ayiza and his fiancee bought a house together several years ago and it's about 3 hours from Jagex HQ. He tried commuting every day towards the beginning of his time at Jagex and decided it was unreasonable, so they rented a property near Jagex HQ for about a year. During that time his nephew was born and his parents have fallen ill, so he wants to be closer to home now. He can't fulfill his responsibilities remotely and doesn't feel that he is at full capacity commuting several hours each day, so he's stepping down to be closer to his family.

Full video here.

I'm sad to be losing you. You're going to be leaving some big shoes to fill.


Originally posted by AspiringMILF

is it bad i expected the video to be another hide the poll meme

I recorded this last night and nearly added the crab dance at the start but went for the chair spin instead.


Originally posted by GenitalKenobi

Understandable, family comes first :)
Hope his parents are okay and hope he has a great future

Parents are fine, but thank you for the concern <3

I think it may have came across as more than it actually was. It was more that my Dad wasn't very well for a few weeks and it made me realise just how tough being far from home was.

11 Dec


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


I know it's not ideal you've had to resort to posting here on Reddit, but I've pinged a message over to the support team to see if there's anything further that can be done for you here.

Edit: I've also sent you a DM here on Reddit, if you could get back to me so I can help you further that would be great.

10 Dec