Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

17 Dec


Originally posted by 67859295710582735625

Hope the uniques (Twisted Horns, POH recolour) are discontinued, once this league is over that should be it.

We're not discontinuing the other rewards.


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

For the trophies, I'd suggest making the same trophies available each league so they fill the same spot in the POH and so you can aim for higher spots next league. But what if they had some option, like an inspect or such that listed what your ranks were for ever league you were in? That way the item itself isn't unique to each league but you still had some way to tell.

That's an interesting compromise - thanks for the suggestion!


Originally posted by onlygladiat0r

That look in Gambit's eyes like "oh boi imma get fired so f**king hard"


16 Dec

14 Dec


This is usually caused by the time on your phone not being the same as your pc.

12 Dec


So targeting an individual Jmod is nothing new and has been happening since OSRS started. Yes, it is not nice and leads to sleepless nights; but the bit that irks me is talking about it leading to reduced engagement. That feels like cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Originally posted by Humfreeze

Can we please get a Jar of Books meme item added to the drop table.



Originally posted by King_Flipsta

Hello. A couple a days ago I posted this suggestion:


Since the team decided not to add the tome, it's currently not relevant anymore, but from a design perspective it makes sense. The idea behind this is to add a valuable drop without rendering Corp obsolete while simultaneously keeping incentive to kill the new boss. (Do not mind the concept image, it's the idea that counts, not the 2 min. recolored spirit shield)

With lower level bosses I don't mind if their items become obsolete at some point, but considering the high requirements to kill corp solo, or the necessity to team up at lower lvl, I think its drops should stay relevant.

Hi there!

We did consider this solution, but made the decision not to proceed with it as while this solution logically makes sense, it was never intended to have any sort of connection to spirit shields or corp in the first place. Going ahead with this type of solution would feel like a desperate fix, rather than recognizing it was a mistake in the first place.

We're not opposed to these types of solutions in the future, but in this case we felt it didn't make much sense. I appreciate the suggestion though, so thank you!

Also, sick name btw.


Originally posted by Merdapura

How will the team approach adding a mage offhand with mage damage bonus?

When (if) we look at this slot again, we'll consider how it'll affect current BIS way in advance and work that into the design. We're also going to get the community's opinion on introducing new BIS items generally in an upcoming survey.


Hi all, in addition to the blog I just want to make it known that we will be taking the time to collate, consider, and reply to your feedback. We do appreciate that it's a big decision, and we're keen to make sure you're heard.


Originally posted by Eternalrs

Hey Gambit, how come there is no snow in Lumbridge this year?

I don't think there's a particular reason other than the snow in Varrock indicates where the event is.


Originally posted by Kaeldiar

I see that Mod Oasis is also a fan of amateur baking... My gf and I loved seeing that reference :D

Nice spot :P


Hey activestim,

Just read this chain, I'll be happy to look into this personally (though I don't know your character name).

Assuming you've already sent us a ticket, can you reply to that ticket, and name drop me - Mod Neong - I'll pick this up as soon as I can for you (if you've not already had a response).

