Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

21 Aug


Originally posted by PapiDickems

Hi wolf, you think it would be possible for to the Q&A stream to be focused on mostly Q&A. Today's had 30 minutes of whatever, 10 minutes of answering questions, and 20 minutes for the quiz.

Would it be possible to either scrap the quiz idea or increase the time for q&a. Also the way y'all adress questions needs to change. Spending 5-7 minutes on one question is way too long for the 1 hour time allowance the community has with you lovely people. You guys need to say yes or no, nothing more. If something requires a little bit more pizzaz go for it. But, recently every question is getting way too much time in the spotlight.

Frankly you’ll notice the questions today were all previously answered par 1/2. It’s difficult after doing this nearly 6 years for interesting questions we’re capable of answering - hence the new padding.


Originally posted by -Viktoria

Why the 11th specifically?

As we are not giving the 1st place their prize so the next person to take it out of the 10 spots is the 11th


Originally posted by SlowAssociate

Are you certain that osrs_wiki is actually affiliated with the wiki, beyond the username? Could be someone unrelated that's trolling.

They contacted us and apologised


We will be contacting the 11th place contestant and having them claim the prize they should have won. We apologise for this.


Originally posted by Dedicat3d

RS exceeds the enjoyment that you'd find with a gf, requires very little maintenance and effort too.

It definitely does exceed the enjoyment I'd find with a gf.


Hang on a second, you're gonna need a really long net if you want to catch shrimp.


I didn't choose the single life, the single life chose me. So I chose Old School RuneScape.


Originally posted by Ellezei

@u/jagexacorn can you feature this on the Q&A this is unreal

I've passed it on to Mod Gambit who does the live streams. It really is amazing!


This is a great piece of work. The detail is amazing. Every section I look, I find something new. Love it!


Originally posted by cheeseman2k

This is honestly one of the best pieces of osrs art I’ve seen in a while, I love it. /u/Jagexacorn I saw you scouting out some other art posts for the community feature, take a look at this one.

I'll make sure Mod Gambit sees it for when he's selecting art work for the stream :)

20 Aug


Originally posted by Partassipant

Is there any way to get it without finishing the quest or is it just one of those "just to be sure" checks?

Just to be sure.


Huh, that's funny... that's because the item never used to check for the quest completion and we added that fix/check in recently which caused this issue. Thanks for letting us know :)


This is honestly amazing. I will pass it on to Mod Gambit to feature on the Community section of this week's Q&A if possible.


Originally posted by DixonCidarMouth

Go with Ghostly Graceful instead

Who says it isn't already obtainable from the ghostly agility course? Panic buy ring of visibility.


Fixed for this Thursday, ya darn freeloaders!*

*This is a joke. I honestly love you all for everything you allow us to do and wholly can't explain the excitement I have coming into work every day to work on the game I grew up with and love to deliver the best game experience I can for you all <3


The support team don't typically handle in-game initiatives like tournaments. You might try the [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) mail, or simply ask the question here.


Using any form of AHK can result in a permanent offence being applied to your account, the severity of abuse often determines whether you will get a temporary ban first or not. There is no "1:1 is safe" - even remapping keys using AHK will run the risk, and I suggest the use of Mouse Keys or remapping keys using your hardware vendors software if you're wishing to do so.

19 Aug


Let us know which questions you'd like answered on Wednesday's Q&A livestream at 5pm UK time!

Questions that provoke discussion are valued over Yes/No questions.



External link →

Originally posted by Skadogshit

I feel so bad for the mods after reading that cesspool of twitter comments. How much of a low life can you be getting upset at changing the angle of boots in your inventory

TBF, I was totally expecting the backlash on the dragon boots/bandos boots as twitter is generally a lot more against change than any other platform. A little bit of 'controversy' is great for exposure and generating discussion. I was also genuinely curious how players would respond given the blatant hypocrisy of wanting one set of boots to look like boots while the others are protected by a blanket of nostalgia. Consistently inconsistent is my motto, so I suppose it works :P