Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

16 Aug


Don't worry! We haven't forgotten. We're still working on it. We tweeted a few design ideas a couple of days ago for feedback. Once the design is finalised and it's been tested, it will be put in game.


Originally posted by BISWHIP

I find it strange that the anti-cheating position is no longer accepting applications as of 8 months ago then?

Acorn moved last year from Anti-cheating to community manager, no replacement or another addition just you and Tyran on 2 games is not enough.

Linkedin, glassdoor and the official jagex page no sign of open positions in anti-cheating anymore.

The anti-cheating team is not part of the engine team. Positions in the anti-cheating team are typically filled internally because it's easier to ensure that candidates are trustworthy.

There are currently 6 mods in the anti-cheating team. Myself and Tyran are full time anti-cheating and the others are auxiliary members, who are split between anti-cheating and support roles.


Originally posted by ez1ollie

Switch the lumbridge and diamond enchant https://i.imgur.com/RJR1eN4.png

I'll bring this up today to the devs :)

15 Aug


Originally posted by bongscoper

guy bunny hops through the first doors so he gets enough momentum to get on top of the ledge, grabs the radio because why not, grabs the portal gun and uses an ancient chinese secret to fire portals while standing technically between the orange and blue portals that were placed allowing him to skip parts of the level

It's pretty straight forward if you know how to do it. I can teach you if you like.


Originally posted by X4H-52

Delet this

^ Wait... no...

Ty will take a look :>


Originally posted by Lazypole

Hey Weath.

Hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but why do you have very limited technical resources?

The game is no where short of profitable, so its not a money issue, and countering bots and protecting the economy really ought to be top priority, above any update really, the whole game is based around it.

Now of course I understand you can’t just make graphics artists work on anti bot measures, but do you not feel this is an area Jagex could really double down on and insure a more stability.

From what I understand, the engine team have been trying to recruit new staff for a long time but haven't been very successful. Why this is, I don't know the specifics of but there are still a number of positions available.

I'm obviously massively biased but I do agree that it should be a very high priority to improve our anti cheating systems. However, the company does have other priorities and things such as mobile, account security and clan support are also considered to be very high priority.


Originally posted by MMPride

Would the NPC safespots breaking be an intended change, or unintended change and instead fixed.

As you may assume, unintended and to be reverted.


Originally posted by BodaciousRS

Moving huge amounts of wealth IS RWT right?
Especially when they're not logged in from the same IP,
and have no prior interactions.

It's like they got paid in real life so now they're just gifting their millions.
Seems like a legit enough reason to ban.

They don't work in huge amounts of wealth, they quite often move off less than 10m at a time. Players move this kind of wealth around all the time.


Potentially is a strong word, here!

To clarify, our desired outcome is that nothing SHOULD change with the exception of PvP combat and the scenario 1 person can fight without being able to fight back.

That's why we've opened up beta worlds specifically with these changes for you all to browse on as we expect you to come across some things in the main game world we may not have.

Currently in the live game the line of attack between two points is not symmetrical. What this beta does is make that symmetrical. The place where it will effect is PvP where players are able to stand in specific spots in relation to their opponent and not be able to attack back.


Read more

Originally posted by FourRS

Do you feel like perhaps Zulrah's requirements aren't high enough if it's been taken over by gold farmers..?

It would be difficult to find a requirement that a hand played gold farmer wouldn't be willing to do themselves. We could lock it behind some really high level requirement but it seems unfair on legitimate lower level players who would also be prevented from doing the content.


Originally posted by BodaciousRS

When are they moving their wealth?
Once they RWT or move them over to their main, it's obvious isn't it?
Just banhammer then.

If we find evidence of them RWTing their wealth, they will be banned. Moving it to another account isn't conclusive evidence that they're going to RWT it.


Originally posted by YouDontKnowMyLlFE

50.4k per day. Wow.

Any chance we could get a break down of membership status and activity? Just out of curiosity.

Thank you for your efforts to make OSRS less botted.

I don't have an exact breakdown to hand but the majority will be the F2P 'suicide' bots that get replaced very quickly


Originally posted by JMAN7102

Just to clarify that these changes are only on the beta worlds right now, so if I wanted to do MM2 or level thieving right now all the current strategies still work?

All that means is I really need to finish MM2.

Yes, they're only activated in beta worlds.


Originally posted by teraflux

Definitely going to check out the line of sight changes in the beta world, this could have major ramifications.

Appreciate you taking the time to check it out. Let us know if you have any feedback!


Originally posted by Radingod123

Could you or someone explain these line-of-sight changes in more detail? What does it mean exactly? Will we be able to see more/click further, ect, ect. Like what can we expect it to do?

Maybe even some screenshots of it in action vs not in action for a clear indicator?

Theoretically, we would desire it to do nothing with existing interactions other than fix the issue where in some player vs player scenarios some people are able to attack while others can't.

It's very possible, however, that some safe spots may have broke in the wider game - or weird interactions like during MM2 and the Sorcerer's garden may have broke etc.