
Outriders Dev Tracker

25 Nov


Originally posted by ryderjj89

While we're talking about things not working right, damage mitigation is broken again. Please look into it. Cant do any content with AP or FP Trickster on CT15 with or without people without dying now. Don't know if NH was built on an old version of the game or if changing entire armor sets messes up numbers or what. Ive tagged y'all on Twitter multiple times and haven't gotten even as much as a like on it to show acknowledgement.

I've been monitoring mainly reddit for any bug or issue reports.

I have not seen any gather threads regarding any fresh damage mitigation issues. In fact, you mentioning it here is the first time I've heard of it.

Nonetheless, I have also asked the team to look into it and they have not yet found anything to corroborate your belief that there is a damage mitigation issue. They also reviewed the clip you shared. More on that below.

Similarly, our analytics do not indicate an increase in "Mean Deaths Per Hour Per Date" or a drop in "Median Lifetime by Date", both of which would have shifted if players had suddenly become squishier or started dying more often than before.

I generally try to acknowledge clear and obvious bugs and will also be more likely to do so when a large number of people confirm the same experience.

However, if I acknowledged every single time someone thought something was broken or had changed, I would end up needing to ...

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Please contact our support team about this. They have tools to be able to look into your account and resolve this. You can reach them here: sqex.to/support


Originally posted by Wtfifdt

Since ryder is freaking out so hard and the OP doesn't know whats going on.

This is a function between multiplicative buffs and cooldown times. Specifically Primal Armor and Fortress.

Far as i can tell from testing: When a multiplicative buff procs, it gives a flat stat raise. So if you proc fortress with mitigation from death up, then when mitigation from death wears off your fortress buff will retain the increase it had due to that temporary buff until it wears off.

The stacking is created by having 2 multiplicative buffs with limited duration which can be juggled, and by mighty tank linking armor to AP.

Deathproof allows you to have almost no cooldown on boulderdash, primal armor doubles your armor when boulderdash ends. Fortress multiples all of your stats by 30%.

So when fortress procs, 30% armor/dmg increase. When you boulderdash, armor is doubled based on the fortress increased value. If you let fortress wear off while primal armo...

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Excellent analysis and write-up. I asked the team to look into this build on our side yesterday as well and they've been doing their own investigation (and have been followed all discussions here too).

Your independent thoughts here are a strong theory and we're looking into the game-code to determine the validity of them. It's entirely possible that you've hit the nail on the head, but its also possible that something else is f*cky.

An few important notes here is that you mention and that our own investigations have also indicated:

  • The abnormally large numbers achieved can only last as long as you are able to keep the procs juggled. Leaving Combat or anything causing your "juggling" to stop momentarily will cause your numbers to come crashing back down again.
  • It does take some amount of skill to maintain and build (and even understand) this buff - it's not as simple as the old Fortress was (slap it on, get huge amount of damage for nothing).
  • ...
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24 Nov


Originally posted by PaulOaktree

I'm on ps5, and as far I can tell, I still haven't find another one.

The one that I got was when I leveled a second Pyro, and I got it at lower level, and I'm not sure if that piece is "locked" behind" lower LEVEL or lower WORLD TIER.

I've been doing Man/Monster Hunts and the Historian quests in WT1, and I still don't have it. I have the boots of the same "set" though.

If they drop again I'll report back.

Thanks for the reply and interest in this issue. It's not a big deal, but it's great that you're still trying to figure out what's going on.

I'm not sure if that piece is "locked" behind" lower LEVEL or lower WORLD TIER.

Some pieces are locked behind a lower level, meaning that you would need to have an appropriate level character to be able to find it. The pieces affected by this are only the "un-evolved" versions of an armor set though.

I may be wrong on the details, but if I remember correctly from the design docs, a lot of armor goes through 3 or 4 iterations or evolutions as you level up in the game.


July 15 Patch

  • Improved Matchmaking to reduce the chance of matching with an AFK player
    • Players that are AFK (not interacting with the game) for more than 2 minutes will be automatically removed from the matchmaking queue.
    • Interacting with NPCs or configuring skills, mods or builds is not considered AFK behaviour (though being inactive for 2 minutes+ while being in menus or dialogue options is).

Many of the players you consider AFK may actually be in their game menus respecing or comparing item...

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Please contact our support team about this. They have tools to be able to look into your account and resolve this. You can reach them here: sqex.to/support


Thanks for the report and comments everyone - I've asked the team to see if they can reproduce this. Can you confirm which platform you're on? /u/PaulOaktree mentioned PS5?

Can you also confirm whether you were able to find that same item again and it still didnt unlock the design?


Originally posted by SlackerATC

Dang. I'd like to show off my chair too but stuck at 99% in Progression category and 403/406 mods unlocked despite having every mod unlocked. Jealous. Nice work!

Please contact our support team about this. They have tools to be able to look into your account and resolve this. You can reach them here: sqex.to/support

23 Nov


Originally posted by DutchmanChusty

for both myself and another who plays outriders through the gamepass on PC. The game has not launched since this update. This update created an error on download. We uninstalled and reinstalled twice. Mine won't launch at all while another gets an "easy anti cheat not installed error". Not Sure if this is fixed yet, or if anyone has any advice. Would be much appreciated.

We've just released a patch which should address this issue!


Originally posted by homo-summus

Anyone have any idea how I can get lower level items for skins? I'm level 15 and I don't seem to get lower level items any more so I can't complete transmog sets. Any idea how to complete these sets?

Certain skins are bracketed and "evolve" as you level up. The only way to get to get the lesser evolved transmog designs is using a low level character.


Originally posted by Still_Award5946

I've completed all accolades for the game, but it will not complete to level 30. Why is that. There is nothing left to complete. Please lmk if there is anything I can do to unlock my last emote for the game.

Please contact our support team about this. They have tools to be able to look into your account and resolve this. You can reach them here: sqex.to/support


Please keep an eye out for a patch on Windows Store today - we're hoping to release one that would address specifically this issue.

22 Nov


If you encounter an account specific issues, such as getting stuck on an accolade (99%) or lose any mods or resources, our support teams are the only way to fix these issues. They have special tools to help fix accolades and restore items. You can contact them here: sqex.to/support

21 Nov

20 Nov