
Outriders Dev Tracker

14 Mar


Originally posted by vapoorer

any chance you guys for the setting "Hud scale value" to unlink the cross hair from this?

Because changing this scale also effect the reticle size.

I play on ultrawide and wanted to increase the size of my Hud skills and health bar. But when i did it also increase my reticle alot too. Especially for shotguns.

Would be nice if you could unsync the reticle so its not effected with Hud scale value. If possible ofc.

Sounds like a good idea so I'll make a note. We'll see what can be done later on but I can't promise it right now.


Originally posted by Quixz_

You Are actually not able to hold down the trigger on bolt action, If you do, it stops firing. meaning in this clip I am pressing and releasing the button. Also, if I was to use devastator leap after firing, I still have the low sens which has caused me to leap to the wrong target. in end game that would probably kill me.

I'll look into this.


Originally posted by Quixz_

i read a dev response on another post basically saying the lower sens is intentional on weapons making burst firing the better way. but are you really supposed to not at all be able to aim up or down after two shots with bolt action? IMO Bolt action is burst only since you cant acutally hold down the fire button and there is a long built in delay between the shots. it just feels very clunky to use bolt action.

Just to verify this isn't in fact a bug. You keep holding the fire button presses entire time right?

The bolt action is specific case where we wanted it to create high skill weapon that is difficult to use but rewards player with high damage. The best way to use is to release a trigger afer each shot and let recoil and accuracy to stabilise before you pull the next shot or the recoil penalties will stack. You can see how the scope returns close to original position after each shot and that's the best moment to pull the trigger. There is only 0.2s difference between keeping the trigger squeezed and doing it optimally.

That being said I just explain the intention behind it. It is quite easy to change and doesn't require a patch to do so however I've also seen voices from people who like this general idea so we have to look at this from various angles and consider various people opinion.


In the HUD settings there is option to clamp HUD display to 16:9 aspect ratio. Unless you consider turning your head to look at HUD elements and exercise I would turn that on.

12 Mar


Originally posted by ShikaoWakabayashi

Can you raise Armor Rating of armor or Firepower of weapon? Or will we have to roll those perfectly?

You have to roll them perfectly.


I'll just pop in really quickly here. It's a feature not a bug, essentially the longer the you hold the trigger the more recoil gun amass and becomes more difficult to control therefore sensitivity lowers.

The idea behind it is that yes you can do very long bursts with certain weapons but it also has a price in accuracy and lowered ease of use. Short controlled bursts are rewarded with more accuracy at the cost of time to kill (which you can compensate by headshots). It is also set per weapon variant so maybe it's just specific variant that is too difficult.

I'll add looking at this to my list... but it's a long list at this moment.

10 Mar


Originally posted by zukov45

Hi Pawel, can you confirm Polish will be available as a language options for PS5 in N. America? On XBox Series X I can download it, but PS5 doesn't have it. I'm guessing this is a Sony thing, as I've had the same issue with games like Fifa (I can have Polish commentary on XBox, but not PS5). I don't know which platform to buy the game for, no i wole zawsze grac po Polsku jesli istnieje mozliwosc :) pozdrowienia, daj znac?

To the best of my knowledge the languages are based on the region in which you are buying the game. So north america will have English, Spanish, and so on as they are most commonly used there. Additional languages would require more data to download and that's not exactly ideal for many people, especially with amount cinematic and voice overs we have. You can always check the demo if it has language you need but if it's not there then there is 99% chance it will not be available in full game. Mimo to nawet w angielskiej wersji natrafisz na polskie smaczki jeśli dobrze poszukasz. Są też linie nagrane przez developerów w różnych językach których celowo nie tłumaczymy co podkreśla zarówno międzynarodowy charakter PCFu jak i misji na Enoch ;-)

01 Mar


I was waiting for this.


Originally posted by khrucible

Hey Pawel, on the subject of the character stats screen. In the demo the stats screen says close range is 10m and long range is 18m. But the guide menu says long range is 25m.

Do you know which one is intended?

The guide is most likely outdated. The value in inventory is dynamic so it will update with your perks and mods.

28 Feb


Originally posted by Psyyx

The mods scale with item level? do they stay at the level at which they were acquired by dismantling? Or do they scale to the item level of the weapon you craft the mod on?

Mods do not have item level of their own, they take item level from the item they are on and level up with it.

Also small clarification, not all mods scale, the damage one scale with item level. The mods like +1 charge or +20 range are constant.


Originally posted by Smooth_Boi

Thank you! I actually posted a video to youtube that has some footage showing both weapons mentioned here. I have a lot more footage of both of the weapons, I know for sure that the Grim Marrow has something wrong as it straight up will not proc but for the Migraine it is a little harder to tell what is going on. I will get headshot kill after headshot kill and nothing will happen but then once in a blue moon it will actually proc.

As a Dev main the possibility of loosing ultimate bleeding saddens me but I want the gun to work properly lol.


Most likely we'll move the tier 2 mod bombs ahead, replace it with something more likely to trigger. I've already shared you post so we'll look at it tomorrow.


Originally posted by Psyyx

Of course! But the mod library is per individual character right? I'm more looking at what character I want the legendary mods on to put in weapons in the endgame, not leveling the legendary weapon itself. My understanding is that you will be able apply legendary mods to non-legendary weapons later on, and the mods don't seem to scale with level?

Yes mod library is per character so if you want certain legendary mod for all characters then you have to find same item and scrap it on every character. Yes you can apply legendary mods on any item and they scale with item level.


Thank you we'll take a look. One thing to have in mind with mods that trigger on "killing shot" is that they need to be on killing shot from the weapon itself, not from the skill, not from the bleed or other status, it has to be bullet from the weapon that kills the enemy. It is less of a problem on higher levels or with high alpha weapons but here the bleed effect may be kill stealing and preventing second mod from triggering so we will take a look at the migraine specifically and see if another mod will be better fit for the second slot.


Originally posted by Psyyx

But gear we drop in the demo will be sharable between characters post-demo right? I'm farming up all my characters, but will be maining Technomancer. Any legendaries I might get will go to the Techno once demo is over, assuming they transfer...

If not, I'll be farming exclusively on my Techno haha

Yes you will be able to transfer items between characters with stash. Just be warned that leveling those legendary weapons will be expensive... We love power fantasy but we need to provide some challenge as well.