
Outriders Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Originally posted by CombinationOk7202

Ok, so it were the Earthborn boots that didn't give you Phantom Dash? Not a bug, just Earthborn gear?

I see this quite often, people complaining about not getting mods from disassembling items, but then it turns out it was the DLC Earthborn gear.

u/thearcan maybe something could be done to avoid these in the future? Either make the DLC items give us mods or put a clearly visible disclaimer somewhere that disassembling Earthborn gear does not give us anything.

The Earthborn gear provides a set of higher Tier mods that would normally only be unlocked further down the story campaign. To enable these DLC items to grant the mods upon dismantling them could very well unbalance the early story campaign for players who have purchased this DLC. That is why the mods they provide do not get added to the library.

09 Sep


Originally posted by Terrible-Rub-6764

So are you guys going to rework/buff any of the least used legendary armors?



Originally posted by Pfhoenix

Your design analysis of Moaning Winds ignores one very simple issue - that *all* on-reload weapon mods can be procced whether a weapon has completed reloading or not. The fix is rather simple - only allow on-reload mods to proc once until the weapon finishes reloading. What's wrong with Moaning Winds isn't the damage it does, but that players are able to prep multiple weapons with it and cycle through their weapons every 8 seconds for a triple MW burst. Fix the multiple-use-per-reload behavior, and that forces players to suffer the actual reload times for the weapons.

Frankly, I'm a little dismayed that such an obvious solution to the problem wasn't even considered in your "analysis".

Quite often obvious solutions have been indeed considered.

Your suggestion is a good one, but if we tied a MW resolution to "on-reload animation completion", that would still mean that shuffling MW could be done with a timeframe that is still smaller than the intended cooldown.

So, it does sound obvious, but it's not a perfect alternative either. And we'd rather fix something properly, rather than just band-aid it.


Hello everyone,

Welcome to another Dev News Thursday.



  • General News
  • Topic for Discussion: A Deep-dive into Moaning Winds
  • Patch News
  • Ongoing list of currently tracked issues

General News

We are unfortunately in a similar position to last week, whereby our latest patch-content is pretty much complete, but is still being held up by a submissions process.

I would like to take the opportunity that this delay presents to talk a bit more about Outriders in general.

Quite often we see pl...

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Hello everyone,

Welcome to another Dev News Thursday.

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  • General News
  • Topic for Discussion: A Deep-dive into Moaning Winds
  • Patch News
  • Ongoing list of currently tracked issues:

General News

We are unfortunately in a similar position to last week, whereby our latest patch-content is pretty much complete, but is still being held up by a submissions process.

I would like to take the opportunity that this delay presents to talk a bit more about Outriders in general.

Quite often we see players asking "what's the point?" and "why are you running Outriders in such a live service way?" (also usually in combination with a really spicy hot take along the lines of "dead gaem").

When each patch or change is viewed at in isolation, it is somewhat understandable where these feelings come from.

However, everything we have been...

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Originally posted by DisastrousCarpet1891

it always make sense to fix glitches which gives player an advantage instead of fixing other broken things ;-)

It's only good for those who realize it exists and try to actively exploit it. For everyone else, it leads to quite inconsistent and confused gameplay following a crafting session as certain mod effects continue to be present even after they've been removed.

And given that this bug would always resolve itself upon returning to a lobby, it makes the associated gameplay even more confusing and inconsistent: "Why am I doing different damage between gameplay sessions"?

Mods affected by this bug include Brain Eater, Clip of Amalthea, Perpetuum Mobile, Vampiric Mag, Toxic Lead, Reforging Bullets.

Finally, we're not fixing this bug instead of other things, so I don't believe that's a particularly helpful way to look at the situation.


Originally posted by CombinationOk7202

Yeah, old glitch. I'm pretty sure it's been in the game since beta, I remember NickTew talking about it and how he reported it way back then. Guess it's something hard coded and they can't fix it? Who knows.

Basically if you put Perpetuum Mobile on a weapon and then change it to something else, it's effect still works until you die or leave session. It may still work if you only equip weapon with it and then replace it with a different one, I'm not sure about that one, never tested it that way.

I think most, if not all, ammo mods are glitched like that and I don't think they fixed all of them, or any of them.

I've never really used that glitch much, only tested it to see if it actually works, but it is something you can do to have a bit of a safety net for your runs. Just go to Zahedi before Expedition, put any ammo replenishing mods you like on your gear and then replace them with what you'd normally use. As long as you don't die or leave to lobby their eff...

Funnily enough, I believe that exactly this glitch will be resolved in the next patch.

07 Sep

06 Sep


Originally posted by Targ0

Thank you very much, great answer.

So as I understand it the 5% extra damage reduction from having a shield is NOT additive with armour or resistance, but a separate modifier applied after reduction from armour/res.

It's a seperate modifier, but is used in the same step as the Armor / Resistance calculation.

It's an Incoming Damage Modifier and is better than Armor / Resistance as it's not affected by damage category.

It's also immune to increase in Armor Penetration that some enemies have.


A few relevant answers from our Deepdive into these kind of mechanics.


  • What does Shield protect from?
    • Both types of damage are blocked by the Shield. If the damage is Anomaly based, the damage the shield takes will be based on the Resistance stat calculation explained above. If the damage is Physical based, it will use the Armour value.
  • How does Shield work?
    • The best way to describe how Shield works would be to treat it as an additional health bar, which absorbs all damage first, until it deple...
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03 Sep


Originally posted by -Certified-

Just curious Toby, did fortress every get used that way in play testing before release?

I mean sure once the games out and thousands of people play the game, the meta gets defined quickly but as soon as I saw the mod and the fact it's basically a stat stick I knew everyone would want to use it as it's a flat damage boost for no effort.

Someone posted an idea in another thread, make it so you need a higher armour value to get maximum return on it and so the middle trees (which probably need abit more damage to help anyways) for most classes would also benefit from it. Just give a smaller amount at say 50k armour and you need say 100k+ to get the full 43% bonus as an example. This also means that defensive mods could be used to then push armour values for the full bonus.

Obviously keep going with the buffs/mods and legendary sets and hopefully the balance will settle abit and more mods being used.

The history of Fortress is a bit checkered - at Launch it didn't appear to be that much of an issue. It only really became the issue it is today when we re-balanced the Armour which greatly increased the Armour Values on Gear, which in turn made it far easier to proc the max Fortress effect.

There may also be some funky stuff going on with Fortress in backend calculations with regards to how quickly it can achieve its max potential. Those miscalculations only made their way in post-launch.

Us fixing that broken calculation would be seen as a "huge nerf". Just as changes we made to the Bullet Skills were a nerf, even though the Bullet Skills were only performing the way they were because of a fundamentally broken calculation that were never intended to be in the game.

From what I've understood from the team, Fortress being a stat stick overall wasn't seen a huge issue during our initial balancing passes pre-launch, because at the time it didn't appear to b...

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Originally posted by PaulOaktree

" Ultimate Anomaly Surge has had its damage increased by 137% (From base 25 to 34.25) Claymore Torrent has had its explosion damage increased by 210% (From base 30.6 to 64.26) Ultimate Storm Whip has had its damage increased by 140% (From base 23 to 32.2) Strings of Gauss has had its damage increased by 262% (From base 24.5 to 64) "

When you increase something by 100%, that means that the "end" value will be the double of the "original" value.

When you increase something by 200%, that means that the "end" value will be the triple of the "original" value.

You have to reduce all your percentages by 100% for them to be correct.

I hope that the people that wrote this post, have NOTHING to do with the people that make/adjust the codding. Even though, if it was the same people, it would actually explain A LOT.

As to the changes themselves, all good.

As to the discussion of the future changes, it also seems a very positive approach to some o...

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You're right - the percentages were wrong. When transcribing the notes I conflated the "new damage %" with "% increase in damage". I've fixed that now by knocking 100% off each one. This is also why I ensure to have the base number changes in there as well, so that it's a bit clearer.


Originally posted by RedPayne415

I'm on PS5 and the ultimate storm whips damage is still the same as it's tier 2 version. Wtf?

I'm on PS5 and the ultimate storm whips damage is still the same as it's tier 2 version. Wtf?

The T3 mod has a shorter cooldown, so it effectively does 100% more damage in a specific time frame.


Originally posted by station4318

Do I not understand math or do those percent increases not work out right?

Super helpful on the pillar talk. Feels good to hear you say the format of endgame has an effect on lack of disparity.

The percentages were wrong - I conflated the "new damage %" with "% increase in damage". I've fixed that now!


Originally posted by FamousSession

Do you always release patches on Thursdays?

Thursdays or Tuesdays normally. I chatted a bit about it on the link below.

Patch Release Days Explained - Why previously on Fridays? (May)


Originally posted by Elora_egg

This is actually a fairly good weekly post! Wasn't expecting discussions like these, but i want to share my two cents as a constant off-meta player. (Big big fan of boulderdash and eruption, more specifically, even in t15)

As said in this post, the problem isn't at all running a singular copy of the mod, and this means that the actual problem is directly tied with quick cycling. I really want to ask though that it doesn't get nerfed in the process however. Ravenous Locusts is an example of this system at its peak - utilising all your tools to maximize damage. Moaning Winds is only problematic due to the fact that especially with anomaly power setups, bullets don't do damage on their own. Adding %anomaly to firepower conversion doesn't fix this either. Even with the golem set, it just seems like most weapons are completely underpowered even with firepower. (This excludes bullet abilities)

Even with pre buff ultimate storm whip, it effectively multiplied my damage per...

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What was developed/intended to be the best options originally?

Generally speaking, I don't believe there were any plans for single "best options" overall. The plan was to have all classes be equally viable and with different skill combinations per class as well. For the most part, I believe we've managed this, especially during the story gameplay, where class selection breakdowns are very similar (there is no single over-picked or under-picked class).

Equally, I think that those players who choose to play outside the meta have also found that there are plenty of viable alternatives that can still post gold times in Expeditions. You dont NEED Fortress, MW or Bullet Builds to complete all the game content at the highest levels, but they certainly make things a lot easier and faster. And them being seen as the meta will naturally mean many players gravitate towards them without wanting to experiment with other alternatives.

Without me...

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Originally posted by shotmaster217

It just me or are the %’s bloated compared to any other developer patch notes? For example, storm whip damage going from 23->32.2, any other developer would put “damage increased by 40%” not 140%. In most games a 100% buff means double damage. Mathematically if they said “damage multiplied by 140%” I would be okay but saying “increased” should mean double damage.

I see what you mean - I've made the edit to make that clearer.