
Outriders Dev Tracker

22 Jun


Originally posted by zerocoal

/u/thearcan It doesn't look like the post has been stickied yet.

Good spot, thanks!


Originally posted by gotchubro

Still need a mod balancing patch. Many are useless, others are broken and don't do what is advertised. Really just need better sources of defense in the game, because there's only about 3 defensive mods that are worth anything right now. The weapon mods are pretty diverse and interesting, but armor mods are not.

Many mods malfunctioning may be tied to packet loss during multiplayer sessions. Today's update improves MP connectivity so I'll be keen to keep an eye on how many of these issues occur less frequently for the majority of players in the coming days.


Originally posted by -Certified-

Nice Toby 👍

Hopefully be able get the last few legendarys I need on my classes, keep the updates/patches coming.

Good luck!


Originally posted by ilnuX

"Added extra options and settings for controller customization including Deadzones, Look Sensitivity, Acceleration and Legacy layouts"

Finally, thank you!

Sorry it took so long, but we never wavered from our promise to deliver it :)



We’ve made some changes to the Legendary Drops.

  • Legendary Drop Rates, across the board, increased by 100%
  • Legendary Level Brackets have been removed, so that all Legendary items can drop at any level.
    • Previously, some items could only drop from enemies of certain levels or above. For example, the Ugake Cowl could only drop from enemies of level 48 or higher.
  • Legendary Anti-Duplication System implemented
    • This system will mean that if a character has an item in the...
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21 Jun


Originally posted by jaymdee


I’m not the OP but I did record a couple minutes of gameplay demonstrating this issue. It actually happens twice in this one clip:


Thank you for the video, I've passed this on to the team!


Originally posted by ANTDrakko




Here is another similar clip I made. The clip doesn't show the build (because I didn't make it as seamless as I did the other one) but it is the same exact skill tree and here is the equipped items:



  • Seismic Commander Helmet - Ultimate Impaler (T3) / Blood Shock (T1)

  • Seismic Commander Armor - Palisade (T3) / Earth's Legacy (T1)

  • Marshal's Waistcloth - Power Assimilation (T3) / Tainted Blood (T3)

  • Enochian Outrider's Bracers - Ground Crush (T1) / Bloody Boost (T2)

  • Seismic Commander Footgear - Second Quake (T3) / Extra Quake (T1)



  • Death Shield - Fortress (T3) / Moaning Winds (T3)


That's a 222,238 first hit that applies Bleed via Blood S...

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Thanks for the great information, I've made sure that the team has received all of this!


Originally posted by vapoorer

Hey, Thanks for responding.

If you're feeling weak 99% of the time, then doing "normal" (or increased) damage would in fact be the anomaly. Could you perhaps clarify what you mean here?

Yes, one can look at it that way too "IF" you dont know the damage you should be doing or what is normal. This is why this issue has not been brought up by many "If any" because they just dont know any better because not many are as invested into the game as i am and or the game makes the math hard to figure out what damage you should do. When a player like myself "I guess you can say what most would call me is a try hard and or no life outriders player" and knows the game very well and have all Min/Max builds on my classes, it is very easy for me to see something is wrong when my moaning winds are only doing 500K-1M Buffed or un buffed.

This Might not even just be a Devastator bleed issue. The more i play and think about it Somet...

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Thanks for the great information, I've made sure that the team has received all of this!

18 Jun


Originally posted by bigpatsfan74

Thank you for taking the time to check! I while need to recheck my characters as I'm not sure which one it is on, even though I've had several Bolt and Thunder. Strange I can not find the emote. Again thanks for checking. Really cool of you taking the time to do it

No problem!


Originally posted by Knightsof21

Is there anything you can tell me about getting my gear back? I had gotten it wiped but it never got restored

Please also contact our customer support team about this: sqex.to/support


Originally posted by bigpatsfan74

I did that the week it was released(ticket #00092494) and they told me to keep an eye on twitter for updates but I can try again. Thanks for your response.

I checked in with them - according to our logs, you received a level 30 Bolt and Thunder on June 10th as well as 535 Titanium Resources.

The legendary is currently equipped in your side arm slot?


Originally posted by Jaywalking_Games

Thank you for the response.

I'm on PS5. The bug showed up after the patch around May 1st. With this bug, you'll activate the Hunt the Prey Skill, but it gets stuck in activation. You don't actually teleport - you'll see the Skill icon is small and moving like it's trying to activate. Nothing happens, except that you can't shoot, melee, or use any other skill while another skill is "activating." So you can move around, but you can't defend yourself. Can't unequip it, because it shows "Skill is Activating" on the skill screen.

So it effectively wipes you. Happens most often when Crawlers are on the field, but I've had it happen with Behemoths and Brood Mothers, too. I've had it happen literally dozens of times when I was on the final stage of an Expedition.

I was "hipfiring" it when it would happen. A fellow Outrider on Xbox reminded me yesterday that I can aim Hunt the Prey. So I tried that against Crawlers all day yesterday. It worked. And at one point, it...

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Thanks for the detailed information, thats very helpful!

If it happens again, it would be really helpful if you could save a PS5 recording of it and the previous 5 minutes of gameplay, and then share that here in this thread. That way the team will also be able to see exactly what it looks like and if there are any further steps they can do to reproduce it on their side.


Hey /u/scooperoni - just dropping by to say thank you for this great and detailed report and for the video including the timestamps. All your information has been passed on to the team, but I may be back in case there are further questions.

PS: Sorry that it's taken me so long to reply here, I've been playing catch up!


Thanks for the video, have shared it with the team!


Originally posted by 69xGrindfestx420

u/thearcan while you are working on the appreciation package….. there’s quite literally zero reason a player should receive one of the 5 weapons Tiago sells…. I got a juggler which in the grand scheme of things that are in my control is one of the few guns I can choose to buy with my pod resources, and shouldn’t be a freebie!

Yep, the new script is planned to exclude those weapons.


Originally posted by Jaywalking_Games

Still no mention of the game breaking Hunt the Prey bug that has been in the game for 43+ days. I've made countless videos, posted on Twitter and reddit, and even had a meme trend in this reddit yesterday, and still no mention of the bug even existing by PCF or the CM.

My love for the game is dwindling into intense frustration.

U/thearcan Could you please acknowledge this issue????

Which Hunt The Prey bug are you referring to?

I listed the below in the Known Issues thread a few weeks back.

  • Trickster's Hunt the Prey does not turn player towards an enemy’s back if aiming down sights immediately after activation
    • Issue currently being investigated