
Outriders Dev Tracker

08 Jul


Originally posted by reighteen

so still no fixes today. unfortunate, but i guess it's necessary. but honestly, my interest has been waning even with the drop rate buff since. i'm only missing one piece (seismic helm) on my devastator to complete all legendaries on all classes. it's kind of exhausting always getting cannonball pieces and repeat legendaries (even though i have the whole set in my stash, in fact i have all legendaries pieces in my stash).

also i hope y'all didn't nerf/change the % bonus on borealis just to fix it.

also i hope y'all didn't nerf/change the % bonus on borealis just to fix it.

Values were not changed.


Originally posted by mattattack88

Any update on the story progress bug? I can't advance through the story on my Trickster on the Mentor mission where you're searching the wreckage for Seth. I can't plant flags and nothing happens after you find Seth.

I haven't come across this bug previously. What you may want to try doing is to reset the story point in the lobby to one or two checkpoints back, then see if you're able to progress.


Originally posted by rsb_david


Are you currently tracking the issue where unlocked mods, currency, and resources are wiped from the account? This has happened to a few others and I on here. Square Enix support seems to be aware of it, but I've seen no comment from PCF on it.

Yep, we're aware of it and tracking it via our customer support tickets.


Stuck at 99% Accolade Progress

We are currently investigating this issue. Our support team (sqex.to/support) may be able to help trigger the 100% accolade to pop, but please post a reply in this subthread if you have encountered this issue.


Proposal for an improvement to the system:

  • The anti-duplication system ignores any gear you currently have equipped when checking whether you currently own an item.
  • Pros:
    • This would make it easier to farm for improved versions of your currently equipped gear.
  • Cons:
    • The hunt for unique items could become a little longer again as your currently equipped gear wouldn’t trigger the anti-duplication system (i.e. 8 items would be added to the “do not re-roll” pool).
  • Note: As this is a global and invisible backend system, there is no way to turn it on or off on a player by player basis. A “pick and choose your own reward” option is also not feasible within the design of the game.
  • Such a change wouldn’t be present in our current patch, but it could potentially be worked into the patch thereafter.
  • So what do you think? Shall we make thi...
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Hello everyone,

Welcome back to another Thursday Dev-News update!



  • Topic for Discussion: Anti-Duplication Improvements
    • tl;dr: We'd like to hear your thought on a proposed change
  • Patch News & notes for the next patch
    • tl;dr: We're now targeting early next week for the next patch, but we've let you know it's patch content today.
  • Ongoing list of currently tracked issues

Topic for Discussion: Anti-Duplication Improvements

  • It’s now been a little while since we ...
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Originally posted by iluminatethesky

Hey u/thearcan,

Thanks for the response. I am experiencing frame drops as soon as I load up the game, at the Base, and when I do missions.

I've tried switching from 4K to 1080p resolution, and vice versa and still experience the same issues.

Here is a Link: https://stadia.google.com/capture/084eac81-fb68-4563-acd5-95a3560ec0cc

I'm getting a lot of stutters, and the game freezes like it does at the beginning of the clip every now and then.

This has nothing to do with my connection, as every other game I have runs smoothly.

I'm really considering refunding this, as it's basically unplayable, and has been for months.

That particular area (Rift Town) is known to be a bit resource heavy across all platforms and it is something we're looking into across the board. So, once the Stadia builds are merged with other platforms, this should hopefully be resolved.

If you experience these stutters in other areas, please do share captures from those as well, ideally about 3-4 minutes worth so we can see what was going on before the stutters occurred.


This should be resolved in the patch after the next one.


Matchmaking rules that will ignore AFKs is coming up in the next couple patches.


Originally posted by palehorsem4n

u/thearcan coming through with the clutch save! Logged in just now to discover that my missing accolade has now been completed and I am now Accolade Level 30!!!

A huge Thank You!!!!

Yep, the team gave your accolades a boop overnight. Glad to hear it's resolved! :)

07 Jul


Originally posted by OniXXVII

They're Monroy's Outriders. They dropped, got most of their squad wiped by the anomaly, and Monroy abandoned them to land somewhere else. They stopped aging when they became Altered. Now they have no faith in people and avoid them like the plague. They kill beasts because everything has turned bad over the years and they don't know why. That's my headcanon and I'm stickin with it.

I like this headcanon.


Originally posted by palehorsem4n

Good morning, and thank you for the prompt reply.

I have attempted the initial problem resolution steps provided by the Customer Service team, but it did not solve the problem. I have since provided additional information in the hopes that they are able to fix it remotely. I see where, in the incident you linked above, you inquired about the ticket number, which I am providing below in case you are able to recreate the steps that resolved the issue for u/xkyoloparto.

Ticket (enquiry) #: 00094746

Thank you for any assistance you are able to provide.


Thanks, I'll follow up with the team about this again. We may be able to trigger the accolade pop manually, but we may also want to use your account as a brief case study to look at why it didn't pop (doing so may help us get to the bottom of the bug itself), so my response may be a bit delayed.


Originally posted by iluminatethesky

Hey u/thearcan,

Can we get an update on the frame drops / stuttering that are still occurring on Stadia?

It's been months that this is still happening, and it's getting really frustrating. How can this game still be sold on Stadia, when it runs like complete garbage?

Hey there, sorry to hear that - The Stadia version is still being worked upon, but merging it onto the same track as the other platforms is taking longer than expected.

Where exactly are you experiencing frame drops? I can check if it's Stadia specific or if it's an issue that will be resolved when we bring everything in line.


They're you.

I believe Scout (the one in the middle) is the default starting character look.


Originally posted by Tokimori

It's the second bit. The accolades don't do a very good job at counting everything. I'm in a similar boat as the OP. My accolade is showing that once I get all the gear and dismantle I'll still be missing two mods.

Also my final Progression accolade is stuck at 36/37 and it's the one that's supposed to complete the other progression accolades which I did.

From what /u/thearcan said to me in the last update thread in order to fix this you'll have to contact Square Enix support.

Our support is currently the best way to resolve this, but I'll try and add it to our known list of issues on the next thread update and I'll see if we can manually bundle-fix the players who are in this situation while we wait for a patch to fix it properly.


Originally posted by vapoorer

HEY, u/thearcan

Just wanted to give you an update on this. Post last weeks patch. I will try and put it short and to the point for you.

1) Playing in multiplayer when i am NOT the host "meaning i matchmake and join on a random team" everything from what i can tell is fixed and working correctly again in relation to bonuses/moaning winds. I am now seeing the correct ~2M "give or take" damage numbers i should be seeing with my moaning winds on bleeding targets and the 4.5-5M moaning winds damage when im fully buffed with bleed, Despair etc. *Note below on Despair below\*

So from what i can tell in this scenario all bonuses/mods are working correctly. Including vulnerable, captain hunter.

2) Playing in Multiplayer when I AM the host its still broken. I'm doing half the damage as i should be doing that i listed above. So its clear the bleed...

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Thank you for the update, I appreciate it! Our team have been able to reproduce some of these issues I believe, with a few fixes scattered across the next two patches. I'd be keen to hear how far they go to resolving this for you!


Originally posted by Psychological-Rip231

Honestly, I'd rather trade spots with you. For me it's making that ocd so fkn crazy bc it's literally only ONE thing that needs to happen before I can see this game as a checkmark in my book. (Though I probably won't stop playing after it does get fixed bc I really enjoy the combat loops) ... But if I was 9 bugs away I feel like id probably say f**k it

Fellow OCD person here so I understand your pain.

Is this related to this thread?


Originally posted by palehorsem4n

Seriously disappointed that I put in all the time and effort to no end. Made even worse by the fact that I had to create a 5th character (2nd Technomancer) to beat THE ENTIRE GAME, including SOLOING all 15 Expedition Challenge Tiers to unlock what I was hoping to be the final accolade under Progression, which, for whatever reason, doesn't unlock if you are not hosting a session when a character unlocks Tier 15...

Can we please get an update OR AT LEAST SOME ACKNOWLEDGEMENT as to when this issue will be fixed?? I love the game and I would like to continue playing it, but I am having a pretty difficult time finding the motivation given this recent development.


Heya, sorry about the frustrations you've experienced. I'll ask the team to see if we've ever been able to reproduce this and get under the skin of this bug. As it's essentially the very last thing you do in the game, attempting to reproduce this kind of issue can be difficult (since to even attempt to reproduce it requires a 100% completion of the game)!

In the meantime, our support team should be able to trigger the accolade pop for you. I managed to help a fellow player ...

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