Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

25 Feb


Originally posted by Damnae

"It should be on the list", but that doesn't mean it is.


Originally posted by D4t4cub3

so do i understand this correctly:

if i have one EA setup with swift affliction and one setup with unbound ailments i could fire one with unbound ailments first and then more with swift affliction (until the first arrow explodes) and i would get the damage multiplier from swift affliction (but not the duration reduction) and the duration increase from unbound ailments for the whole ignite (excluding that first arrow, which would of course not benefit from the swift affliction bonus)?

Yes. The Damage-per-second of each ignite is calculated separately, then they are summed, then the exploding arrow applies one ignite with the total ignite damage per second, using it's own stats to work out the duration of the applied ignite.

24 Feb


Originally posted by Berrig7450

Will it involve a Toucan?

Absolutely not.


Originally posted by poorFishwife

I've always wondered if Baited Expectations comes from the divination card design that a supporter donated to Bex.

[B]aited [Ex]pectations, a card which is all about teasing secret information.

Is this just a happy coincidence, or is this one of your personal cards u/Bex_GGG?

Mine is still to come. You'll know it when you see it. (Not in 3.10.0)

We have finished our press tour, having shown our next expansion to 17 news outlets. The journalist embargo lifts at noon PST (9am NZ time) tomorrow, so we'll post the announcement/trailer simultaneously alongside the journalists posting their detailed information and interviews. Keep an eye on your favourite news sites tomorrow to see their coverage.

While the content remains shrouded in mystery, you should know the expansion introduces a new challenge league complete with terrifying new foes and tantalising rewards. You can also expect to see new skills, unique items, reworks to existing content and much more!

We will also be launching a new set of supporter packs at this time which means you have less than 24 hours to purchase the Sanctum and Damnation supporter packs before they leave the store forever!

We can't wait to unravel what we've been working on.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have finished our press tour, having shown our next expansion to 17 news outlets. The journalist embargo lifts at noon PST (9am NZ time) tomorrow, so we'll post the announcement/trailer simultaneously alongside the journalists posting their detailed information and interviews. Keep an eye on your favourite news sites tomorrow to see their coverage.

While the content remains shrouded in mystery, you should know the expansion introduces a new challenge league complete with terrifying new foes and tantalising rewards. You can also expect to see new skills, unique items, reworks to existing content and much more!

We will also be launching a new set of supporter packs at this time which means you have less than 24 hours to purchase the Sanctum and Damnation supporter packs before they leave the st... Read more

Originally posted by kogielore

oh that's interesting, so let's say i grab the node that says that burning from critical strikes deals more damage, this means that if the explosion is a crit the burning calculation will be affected by this mod in total, and not only the burning part that cames from crititalc hits?

No. Each arrow calcualtes it's explosion hit & ailment damage separately. Only those which are crits individually will calculate their damage with that modifier, because that modifier only applies to damage calculation for crits.

When the individually calculated damages are combined, if any are a crit then the explosion as a whole will be considered a crit for on-crit effects, but this cannot affect the damage calculation in any way, because that has fundamentally already happened before that point.


We consider them expansions because they include changes that affect the core game - like new skills, unique items, divination cards, balance changes and other game reworks. Also, more often than not league content rolls into the core game.


are the stat requirements the only thing that affects socket colors?

Yes, outside of modifiers that explicitly refer to sockets which some uniques have.


There are two parts to Explosive Arrow - the arrow colliding with an enemy, and the explosion. The individual arrows colliding with the enemy hit and apply ailments in the same way as any other arrow and have no special mechanics. The stuff you've quoted is only in the context of the explosion, where one arrow exploding causes all the other arrows in the same enemy to calculate their hit and ailment damage for the explosion, then sums them together and applies them as a single hit.

All the damage for the explosion is calcualted at the time the explosion happens. Any relevant modifiers to that damage at that time will affect that calculation. Then the damage is combined into one big hit, and applied by the arrow that triggered the explosion (this matters if two different explosive arrow skills are in play for working out which on-hit effects apply).

At the time of the explosion, if you've dealt a crit in the past 8 seconds (and have EO), then each arrow will calculat...

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Originally posted by RussellLawliet

There's about 5 good games.

There's a lot of great games on the Google Play store, they're just hard to find because the store's features for finding stuff suck and the horrible cash grabs do all the advertising and SEO stuff to become more visible. You also have to be willing to actually pay for some of the good ones (they then tend not to badger you for further payments, like a lot of the free phone games do). A selection of examples from what I currently have installed:

BuriedBornes is an indie game by a Japanese dev which has a good chance of appealing to a lot of PoE's playerbase. Deep character builds focusing on interesting interactions. Turn-based combat with a lot of stuf to keep track of. Free to play with ads, or can remove them by making a small purchase. There's the option to spend more for unlocks, but I believe that's all earnable through play as well. I paid the minimum amount to remove the ads & support the dev, and that also let me unlock an extra class earlier than I otherw...

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Originally posted by frostisgood



You're welxome

23 Feb

We're happy to finally release the long-awaited interview with the founders of Blizzard North hosted by Rhykker at ExileCon. In this video our special guests, David Brevik, Max Schaefer, and Erich Schaefer discuss Action-RPGs and answer various questions from ExileCon attendees. Check it out below!