
Planetside Dev Tracker

15 Jul

13 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Bounties are moving to an automated system. Was doing some work on it just today, but there are issues getting it to trigger correctly, so it may not be ready for release in the next update.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Comprehensive and up to date, thanks for putting this together. A handful of these are already fixed for the next update, but there's a fair amount here that still need work.

12 Jul


We are in the final stages of prepping a release candidate but it is not yet submitted to Sony. I'm hoping to have an ETA to announce Soon™


Originally posted by BruceLeory

Not giving us 4xp for July 4th is worse than the ETA on the big update. Theres just no excuse. I dont know the ins and outs of what goes on to make things happen, but wouldnt it be the same as giving 2xp? The equivalent to flipping a switch?

I put some good money into this game to be completely forgotten about like that. Sad.

That one is completely on me. I apologize personally as it was obvious it should have been turned on for PS4 as well. The rest of the team doesn't deserve any heat for that one.

11 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Looks like our hologram shaders aren't respecting their tile rates. There's a task in for it now, but no ETA.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kingsqeerel

Is there a general time frame for the next update? End of the month/next month? Understand if bugs pop up at the last second.

Current target is toward the end of the month.

10 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Fix in for next update.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

There's a speculative fix in for this in the next update, alongside fixes for some other implants that can cause similar behaviors.

09 Jul


Originally posted by krindusk

You're right, I definitely didn't consider all the connotations of the word when I wrote up my first post. Just based moreso off personal experience.

I'm not in the software industry, but I'm definitely grateful for the opportunity to do what I do, even though I know I'm worth it (and maybe worth a little more than I get paid for). But in a low-income neighborhood, I see many talented and hardworking people struggle just to find a full-time position offering more than minimum wage.

Sorry for any confusion!

I'm sorry, it's all good my dude. My comments weren't directed at you in particular and I probably could have done a better job of conveying that in my post.

Yeah man, it's rough out there, and we've got a lot of growing to do as a culture if we're going to work together to force politicians to change it.

08 Jul


Originally posted by HotzenpIoz

My brain just combined back to the future with the surfer title reward, and the memory of ever spanable hoverpikes from PSA (so the tech must be there).

May I present: The new and improved directive 4 summer fun reward, the hover board!

It should buffer some fall damage and neglect all of it on slopes. I'd give it 2-2.5 times the normal running speed (whatever that is) with the intention to be able to trespass terrain more quickly and get to places you normaly wouldn't so easy (maybe at all, with enough inertia).

OFC it should always be spawnable.

I'd either replace it with the ability or utility slot, but abilities and weapons should be disabled while riding it. Granates not, because fun. I'd really like to see a squad of hoverboard heavies with AV granates tryharding tanks.

There also should be a 1-2 sec "cooldown" before you can shoot any weapon and there's ofc no slayride potential.

TLDR: A fun gimmic...

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Could it be done; sure.

Should it be done; probably not as it would require a significant amount of animation work. Would be a ton of fun though.

Personally, I'd rather get the NS Segway in the game if we wanted to add some new fun vehicle ;)


Our next major PS4 patch should address many of the stability issues currently plaguing the platform. We are about to go into submission with Sony soon and should have a release date to announce soon.

Also in this patch are optimizations that boost framerate performance by quite a bit. More than 30% in most cases. I know PS4 has not been getting enough love and that should be remedied with this patch.


Originally posted by krindusk

That's just the way companies work.

And I can almost promise you, the person they hire is not going to be some random PS2 player who suddenly decides to donate their time to Daybreak. I imagine that whoever they hire will be someone so grateful just to get a job in the industry that they're not going to care what game they're working on. When you have bills to pay and mouths to feed, you can't afford to be very picky about what job you take.

I'm making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is by saying anything at all, but my brain kind of catches on the word grateful when you're talking about employment.

Programmers, in general, are not grateful for their jobs, but they do value them.

Mostly this is because quality programmers are in high demand (doubly so for senior programmers). Coupled with this, though, are rigorous tests and interviews are expected and industry-prevalent. (It just so happens that good programming tends to be pretty objective and testable.)

Again, while programmers (senior or otherwise) do value their jobs, they also tend to have a pretty good idea of their worth and thus do not generally feel grateful or otherwise indebted to their jobs.

I guess to me it's like calling someone lucky for having a game industry job. Almost assuredly there was an element of luck involved, but to call it lucky kind of minimizes/i...

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