
Polytopia Dev Tracker

22 Jan

    Zoythrus™ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, the Special tribes will be getting skins, just like the Regular tribes.

We don't have an ETA yet, but we can promise that we're working on them.

20 Jan


Originally posted by ButterCup-69

Hey Zothyrus,

Since you replied to this post, I thought I might just seize the opportunity to get my word out to the devs, too.

So, as you mentioned about making the AI smarter, I hope you guys also introduce variety to the strategy that AI uses. Because for a lot of people, single-player is a big part of the game as we can't give the dedicated time required for live games.

As of now, the AI always uses the same strategy of unlocked Swordsmen asap and spamming with it. Even with special tribes like Cymanti, instead of training doomux or hex, the AI just pushes swordsmen. Same with other tribes, AI just follows the same strategy, it's not dynamic? It feels like you're just playing against the same opponent but with different skin. 

I hope the AI is made smarter and more diverse.

Thank you, and if you read, please reply with any response so I can be at peace that my word got out to the devs.

The AI actually tries to counter the units made by whatever its current enemy is. We didn't say "only make Swordsmen", it just does that attempting to counter enemy units.

Also, 24 hours and 7 days are time alternatives to Live Games, you know, for slower matches.


Originally posted by Potatopeelerkind

Just wanted to add a voice in to say that I love the new update, and I hope you don't get pressured into reverting it. Water warfare now feels meaningful strategically rather than just a rush to battleships. I concur that Juggernauts are very strong when used properly.

Trust me, we have no intention of reverting it.


Originally posted by murphdogg4

I understand in multiplayer. But why lose players when you don’t have to? 

Because we want to improve singleplayer as well, ultimately. As other games have shown us, improving multiplayer also improves single player, as we want a balanced game across the board.

As I said in another comment, new content we wanted to add was revealing to us some pretty wonky mechanics and balance, things that are OP (battleships, huts, and roads) and UP (the climbing branch of techs, defenders), and so forth. Some things just have to change, and we're doing what we can in the months post-PotO to leave the game better than pre-PotO, even if it takes some time and adjustments.

19 Jan


Originally posted by PopperChopper

We’ll ask yourself if you’re making a game for your team or for the people who play it I guess.

Appreciate the responses.

So, both, technically.

All ideas, content, patches, and so forth start with Midjiwan wanting to make the game he wants to play. It's always been that way, since the start and to the end, whenever that may be. It's his big passion project, and he is very passionate about it. People often comment on the love the game exudes, and that's why.

Of course, along the way, people make suggestions. "This is too strong" or "this costs too much", etc, and sometimes, he'll come around to their point of view, just so long as it matches his ultimate vision for the game. He does want to make something people want to play, as well, and based on the numbers, I'd say he has succeeded.

A lot of the naval changes were due to fan complaints. "Battleships are boring," "roads do too many things and need a nerf," "Star inflation is too much" and etc. A lot of the changes were things that Midjiwan wanted to fix anyway, and he agreed with the fans, so he made the changes.


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Originally posted by Adam_Whitehead_

I’ve gotten higher stars per turn in perfection games lately than I ever did with custom houses! Granted not everyone knows how to max the tech tree out super quick to make them useful

And you'll get even higher scores after we implement some of the changes we have planned. ;)


Originally posted by murphdogg4

Is there a reason we can't have the choice of playing the version before the last update in creative? Why force people who hate the update to play it?

Because, at some point, we all have to move on.

We can't be fracturing the fan base around an "old version" every time we want to update the game. Things like this just need some time, and it'll all be fine.


Originally posted by Old-Wolverine-4134

90% of my games go to a point where the one player have the water full with ships, and the other player have the land full of catapults. No one is willing to get into the range of the other. 5 hours we go back and forward trying to destroy a ship or catapult...

I mean, pre-PotO was no different.

Might we suggest a Glory game next time in order to prevent stalemates?


Originally posted by PopperChopper

Well I really hope you guys rebalance the game. I am a huge fan of introducing changes so I was happy for the update at first. However, it completely changed the fundamentals of the game to the point where I felt like it was essentially a different game. Like going from poker to blackjack.

Well, I can tell you that the team loves the update and considers it "the best version of Polytopia yet".

We're trying to fix bugs/design flaws that have been in the game for a while, which ultimately make it hard for us to develop new things. And sometimes, old metas just have to go if they're getting in the way. E.g., we realized just how awful Roads and Naval really were as we tried to develop the Ancients. These were aspects that we were having to "design around" since they were too strong and meta-defining, so we took the opportunity to fix them.


Originally posted by PopperChopper

Weird because it’s actually the best part of the entire update. They’re challenging to get to since it forces you to explore different technology veins to make them effective. And you have to pre plan all your placements much more in advance to unlock their full value.

They're actually one of the more complained-about features, in that they're too difficult to actually make a profit from, and we agree.

We still plan to keep the "need tech to make it effective" aspect, but also easier to use to make it more appealing earlier on.


Originally posted by PopperChopper

I score in the top 5 every day in perfection and I can tell you that you guys f**ked up roads. You’ve basically removed knights as a strategy from the game. AI has gone to using 90% defenders and just filling the entire map with useless units. Juggernauts pretty strong? Dude, they’re OP as f**k. So are bombers.

I wanted bridges in this game since I started playing it, but the game wasn’t broken. I think devs made a massive error by introducing so many changes at once and now it’s broken. You coulda rolled out each change one at a time every month. And then spend the following month tweaking the addition.

We're testing a patch that should make Perfection a little easier and the AI a bit smarter. :)


Originally posted by Adam_Whitehead_

Don’t listen just to the negative comments please, I like how y’all did markets!

Well, we're not too happy with how they've turned out.

Don't worry, we're not bringing back Custom Houses, but we do have some ideas on how to make Markets more useful overall.


We know it's not perfect right now, and we're testing a patch internally that should make some adjustments to some of the complaints. I can tell you that Markets are getting adjustments.

Roads and Huts aren't getting reverted, though. We're pretty hard on that, as they were shifting the meta too much.

We are aware of the need for naval, and we're dialing it back a little and pushing things back to land.

Also, a some of our top players consider Juggernauts pretty strong if they're defended and used properly. Maybe too strong.


Originally posted by Qhuit416

You know it's not set in stone right? I think it's great they're testing new things. The game needed a lift after all these years. It will take a bit of time and a lot of data to adjust and balance the game.

This is it. We're testing a patch internally with adjustments to meet some of the complaints.

13 Jan


Send me a DM and we'll chat about it

11 Jan


Originally posted by hysbminingsucks

Honestly you shoulda just replaced the crab with the navalon, maybe buff/nerf it accordingly so Aquarion doesn’t struggle with it’s still pretty underwhelming super unit

Aquarion is getting a rework at some point.

I think we want the Crab to stay because it's amphibious.


Originally posted by ArdaKirk

Is it true that all special tribes will be reworked, if so why?

They'll all get some reworking.


Originally posted by Budget-Boysenberry

Midjiwan should have at least made a Starfish equivalent of Navalons.

Well, that's the thing, we wanted to remove it entirely, not replace it.

Elyrion will get a rework, and who knows what they'll end up with?


Nope. They were removed.