
Polytopia Dev Tracker

01 Feb


Good job!


Originally posted by kratima

Eventually = when half of us would have stopped playing the game...

We're waiting for everyone to stop playing, first. ;)

We are happy to announce another month of Polysseum! This month we are playing Ai-Mo!

How to join?
  1. Open The Battle of Polytopia -> Multiplayer -> Tournaments. Once you find the tournament that suits you, click "Join".
  2. Follow our Tournaments Hub[www.challengermode.com] on Challengermode and find your favourite tournaments.
Don't forget to confirm your participation 15 minutes before the tournament start.
You can find more details o... Read more

31 Jan

    redish2098 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
when you click add on a multiplayer game, at the bottom of the friends list there is a selection of bots to choose from

Originally posted by short_bus_genius

Is there an explanation as to why this one tribe is priced so much higher? It’s the one tribe I refuse to purchase

Officially, as a joke.

The rule is "the Luxidoor must be priced the highest of any tribe". Their strength has nothing to do with it, as it's all ultimately a joke. :P


Good job!

30 Jan

26 Jan


Originally posted by TemporaryTight1658

But you said that after Naval update will come the Spetial tribes rebalance.

Are y'all working on the Ancients ?

Well, yes, but we're currently working on a support patch for PotO.

We're still in the "support PotO" phase

25 Jan


Originally posted by Odd_Pianist5275

I'm surprised you spent the time to write this and then didn't say what the reasoning is. Even in your reply to the OP below, you don't say why you want them to be identical outside of tech and land. Avoiding confusion for new players would have been a good enough reason, but if you reject it and cannot give a reason of your own, then maybe the OP is correct.

I actually did give the answer in a reply.

So, the official answer is "Midjiwan tries to keep all the Regular tribes as similar as possible both for simplicity but also as a self-imposed challenge for balance." He wants to keep terrain/tech as the defining difference between them.

24 Jan


Originally posted by riggers1910

yeah but how do you balance certain tribes then. most notably vengir and omaji both have decent starting techs but they are pretty bad because of their resources. buffing the starting tech would also directly buff every other tribe and could cause unbalance in the tech tree or you could buff their resources but then it just makes them even more bland and removes any little bit identity they had.

it just feels like the normal tribes need a little something else to

  1. separate them more from other tribes and encourage a specific theme/playstyle
  2. have more routs to balance tribes
  3. add more strategy

That's the fun of it.

Midjiwan considers this "a self-imposed challenge".


Originally posted by Nerobrine86

Then what is the reasoning if I may be so inclined to ask?

Mainly because we want the Regulars to be effectively identical outside of trch and land.


Originally posted by Odd_Pianist5275

Since others are being very unhelpful in their replies.... I personally would enjoy your idea but it would have one big drawback of making the game more confusing for new players.

It's common to see people ranting about how the special tribes ruin the game, when what's really happening is that they haven't learnt how to counter them yet. By ring-fencing unique features to special tribes, it enables such people to set up "human tribes only" games with their friends.

I can tell you this isn't our reasoning for not adding unique giants to the Regulars.