
Polytopia Dev Tracker

25 Nov


We removed it to privide a form of counterplay. Mooni are super strong, but only if they can move, and that's on you to make sure you move them well.


Aquarion amphibious units no longer benefit from roads.

Their ability to use roads was actually a bug that simply never wasn't fixed for years. We'd like to refocus their strengths toward more water-based combat, and they'll be getting a rework later. :)


Yes, there will be a team mode someday.


Originally posted by Storiaron

I know it was unhealthy for the game, but my favourite iteration was having chopping wood on the knight's side of the tech tree and giving 2 stars for each chop chop.

Loved that

And that's just it, some things are simply unhealthy for the game, even if they're "fun".


Originally posted by TemporaryTight1658

You have ideas of what you will change as now ?

Not right now, I'll need to chat with Midjiwan.


Originally posted by longhegrindilemna

Roads are broken.

No movement bonus for using roads. It’s as if the roads are not there. Movement is the same before building a road and after building a road.

We'll take a look.


Originally posted by longhegrindilemna

This game feels so unplayable now.

Roads. Roads no longer give me more movement. Is this a bug??

I truly truly wish you would fork this, and make it Polytopia 2. And leave behind a Polytopia 1 with no future updates, frozen in the past.

You can treat it like an A/B test, see which version attracts more players.

Roads should give movement. If they don't, that's a bug. We didn't nerf their functionality.


Originally posted by EconomyWoodpecker117

Bardur is supposed to have 2 force-spawned animals. u/zoythrus is this a known bug?

Yes, but Water World overrides some settings.


We changed it because, let's be honest, they do a lot of jobs. Roads was one of the strongest techs in the game, and it was time to dial it back a little, and we did so in the simplest way possible.

Population, unit movement, and a Monument? There's a lot going on. We didn't want the game to revolve around them as much as it did, and wanted to distribute the power around a little. Thankfully, they're still strong and we didn't touch their power any. We also gave the tech Bridges, which I wouldn't be surprised gets an update soon.

Really, it's not so bad, things will just need time to adjust and the dust to settle.


So, we did this because, let's be honest, they were too strong.

Compared to Farms and Mines, they were the obvious best resource, and we wanted to balance them with their similar resources. Tribe balance and economy pretty much revolved around Huts, so it was nerfed. While they now cost 1 more star for 2 pop, they're more flexible and individually cheaper than the others, which should even things out.

But much like Roads, we nerfed them so that we can have room to distribute power to other techs. Hoodrick will get buffed when Spiritualism gets buffed. Ai-Mo gets buffed when Med/Phil get buffed. Bardur is now in a good spot.

Sometimes things like this need to happen, and this is one of those cases.


Same as Kickoo's.

Mirror tribes will just choose a random color from a tribe not present in the game.


We're in the process of taking feedback and making adjustments to the update so that it might be more to your liking in the near future. :)


Things are still in a process of settling, and people are still figuring out new strategies.

It's like, trailblazing!


You've been blessed by the fish gods


Originally posted by ThichGaiDep

Any plans to eventually phase out the old version? I haven't been able to start a random game online with a new version at all. Tried 10 times now.

People are still in the process of updating. Give it a week or so.

24 Nov


Originally posted by NevadaSmith02

Why would you change something your customers loved? To be honest, to me, you are like Musk with twitter. You just took what many people loved and happily used away from them.

What you say here is not convincing at all. There was actually "Classic version" -- the previous changes were just a touch here, touch there. What you did, it is not fixing something or improving anything, it is a complete overhaul. A new game, Polytopia 2 as some people call it.

If Naval was lucklustre, which I dont think it was, you could use special tribes to mix things up. Was this not the idea behind introducing them?

If Bardur was too strong (I was beating Bardur with Cymanti and Elyrion most of the times), you could easily slightly reduce the resources on its landscape -- problem solved.

But by this attempt to solve the "roads" strategy which was one of features of the game, you just basically killed Yaddak. Do you realize, there are people who have bought Yad...

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Concerning the new Continents, we're actively making adjustments.

We don't want to use the Specials to counter lackluster/broken gameplay, as that's just bad game design. If something is causing problems, we are expected to fix it, and this update was meant to adjust often-complained-about naval mechanics for the Regular tribes. If we can make it more interesting, we should, and then bend the Specials around it.

Concerning tribes like Yadakk and Hoodrick, we are going to make sure they keep their "flavor", but sometimes strategies and tools available to them need to be adjusted. We know the Road nerf hurts Yadakk, but it opens up options for us to give them new bonuses. They'll always be "the road tribe," even if the specifics might change a little. Elyrion will be getting a dedicated rework, along with other Special tribes, where we plan to give them new stuff. :)

Change isn't bad, and development is a long-running track of poking and prodding. So...

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We're looking into it.

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Originally posted by soljj82: Could someone please tell me what the Independent ability does for the Dagger units?
It just means that they're not supported by a city, as in, they don't take up a slot. Polytaurs have this as well.