
Polytopia Dev Tracker

24 Nov


Originally posted by RoamingVapor

Can you make it so if you are at peace with another race the giants movement wont hurt you or them?

I'll suggest it


Originally posted by mrkay66

Why do you think it's one of the worst? General consensus seems to be that elyrion is still quite strong

General consensus is right, Elyrion is still really strong.


Don't worry, their days are numbered.


Originally posted by Holistic_Snow

What I liked about the game is that you could use different strategies to win. Now it seems like there's just one: get bombers. Use bombers. Honestly don't even bother spending stars after that because what's the point? Really disappointed so far but maybe there are nuances I'm missing, idk. Would love to be able to go back to classic mode though

Before, it was "use Battleships to win".

We are keeping a close eye on how Bombers perform. We may nerf them.


Originally posted by short_bus_genius

Thanks for the tip. I reset my scores, to have a fresh start.

Now I kinda wish I didn’t, lolz! I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to get 100% again. Now that everyone starts on an island, there’s no way to win within 10 turns. You need so much tech just to be able to cross a river

Then we suggest upping the opponents so you get more time.


Originally posted by RosettiCat

I have been playing for I don’t know how many years. I play every day. This has been my go-to game to zone out to forever, essentially. This last update feels so drastically different, I feel like I’ve lost my favourite game. The newness was novel and interesting to learn but all I’m doing is making bomber ships and destroying everything. It’s boring.

I joined this Reddit today to see if other users were experiencing the update in the same way as me - appears so.

We'll be keeping an eye on Bombers and make adjustments if they feel too strong. :)

23 Nov


I think you're the first I've heard who didn't like the new bounce.

I'm pretty sure it's to be a little more visually appealing while also being more obvious.


Originally posted by PeterGallaghersBrows

iOS. What could I be doing wrong?

Try restarting your device.

You can also reinstall the game.


Sadly, I've had to remove this.

It's okay to not like the update, but we do have to crack down on piracy, such as distribution of apk's. We can't endorse that.


Yep. I was there.


Originally posted by BarbHarbor

  1. then there's a bug.
  2. there is zero reason to build a bridge instead of a port.
  3. A. I'm honestly flabbergasted at this response. You just said that a change which affects pretty much every single unit doesn't hinder any units. wow. You know what doesn't hinder other units? Making Riders 4*

B. Roads grant 2 population once, split between cities, after 4*, now 6* minimum. It can be one pop each at 12* now, which is the worst way to gain population by far. Nobody asked to make the monument easier anyways, and building a bazaar in no way compensates for the loss of functionality of roads.

C. The only infrastructure I can think of is ports and roads. One got cheaper, one got more expensive. Both were built frequently in the past, due to ports star advantage and roads strategy. Honestly, this is the only point that makes sense, but it is clearly a motive of the developers, and not the will of the community. To present it otherwise would be dis...

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We're keeping an eye on how the new stuff interacts with old stuff. We'll need to let the dust settle.

I wouldn't be surprised if Bridges/Ports get cost adjustments in the future. Other aspects of the economy may also get adjustments as well. I could see Markets getting adjusted.

Ultimately, though, one of our goals with the update was to pull some power away from Roads and to distribute things around a little, such as making Ports more accessible and adding Bridges.

I'll mention the Bridge bug, though, and will push for making them cheaper. :)


Originally posted by BarbHarbor

Well, it should be roads for 2 and bridges for 4, and bridges should add a movement bonus like roads do. I firmly believe most people would agree. I never once heard anyone complain about roads being too cheap. If your issue is with Riders/Roads, just make Riders more expensive.
What is the issue with Roads being strong anyways? Giants are also strong, should you eliminate them? Roads are used by everyone except Cymanti and Aquarion. Cymanti has Boost to counter that, Aquarion should obviously be able to use roads with their amphibious units, and badda-bing! Nobody gets an unfair advantage.

So, I'll answer this in chunks.

  1. Bridges should give a road speed boost, and if they don't, that's a bug we can fix.

  2. Bridges are meant to be a little on the expensive side. A concern during development is that if they were too cheap, they'd invalidate naval, when we'd like the bridge to be a tactical alternative to naval.

  3. Roads were nerfed because:

A. The prevalence of Rider/Roads as the meta, which we were asked to change by many. Nerfing Riders was an option, but this way still makes it possible and doesn't hinder any units.

B. Roads are very strong, granting movement, population, and a Monument for dirt cheap. Even after nerfing them slightly, they're still very strong. We even made it easier to get the Monument, too, to help compensate.

C. Midjiwan would like to make "building infrastructure" something that requires a little more thought". This was the easiest way to d...

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Originally posted by PeterGallaghersBrows

Did the update also apply to mobile players? I haven’t seen that come through.

Yes. Android or iOS?


Originally posted by emprr

Building a new meta and mechanics to improve based on feedback is fair on Midjiwan’s side. I’m sure you guys get a lot of feedback and you guys worked very hard on this update. Tbh there are aspects I really enjoy about it.

The comments asking for a Classic version from fans is also fair. Some of these players have played it for years amassing 100s of hours and using it as comfort food. They’ve supported the dev, bought the additional tribes, paid a lot of money to the developer. And suddenly the game that they had supported and loved had changed due to an update.

There’s a reason why WoW has the current meta and WoW Classic. There’s a reason why there’s Overwatch 1 and 2, StarCraft 2 and 3. Changing mechanics so drastically should create a fork in the community.

I do hope Midjiwan will consider having a forked Polytopia Classic version. Because a game that we all loved is now just gone.

But, the reality of things is that adjustments just have to happen. If things need fixing (e.g. lackluster naval and Bardur superiority), then we are expected to fix them.

The issue with a "Classic" version is that there never was a solid "classic", as we've always pushed for new features and content (even if it takes us a while). When we released the Moonrise update, some people wanted us to revert it, but now it's beloved. Maybe the current changes just need time for us to make further adjustments and for the dust to settle. I promise you that we are giving this patch some support and are listening to people.

We want to make more tribes, give more skins, and etc, but sometimes stuff just has to change in order to accommodate them. Our attempts to make the next tribe showed just how flawed some of the mechanics were, and so we had to reshape a few things. Ultimately, we want to give you an experience that you find fun, but also can't just stop, either.

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Originally posted by NorthEntertainer1

I used to like to build loads of big boats. With around 2200 games played this update just isnt any fun anymore. Its been a fun while it lasted but i wont stick around.

So, what makes this different? The lack of uncounterable Giant Battleships?


Originally posted by 777Ayar

I kneel 😎
I've been meaning to ask you, have you gotten a peak at the Quetzali skin? They'd look so magnificent with swordsmans using a macuahuitl, archers using an atlatl or even sporting feather helmets that the elite Aztec eagle warriors used.

p.s. I hope Ai-Mo gets a skin referencing their Andean/Inca heritage, like a Chullo would be beautiful. Swordsman could use an Inca star mace, archers a bolas... sorry I've been going on a tangent.

I have seen them. No telling. :P


Originally posted by 777Ayar

What tribes do you play Zoythrus?

Quetzali :)


Originally posted by SilentWarehouse

Why didn't they retain ports 2 population?

We wanted people to get on the water faster, so we brought the cost down. We didn't want to give people a 5*/2pop building, so it was reduced.


Originally posted by BarbHarbor

Why listen to those complaints and ignore the many complaints about the new road/bridges?

We did reduce the cost of Bridges, as people suggested. They were 10.

The Road nerf is more of a necessity, due to how strong Roads are. Roads are still really powerful, despite the nerf.