PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Originally posted by keith_talent

/u/PUBG_Sheepy Can you explain what the patch notes mean about this OP billboard?

Due to high win rates, the billboard on San Martin’s roof has been removed.

The players who stood on the roof of San Martin's building ended up winning a high amount of games from this location. So after reviewing the area, it was determined this could be due to the billboards, so the Dev team removed them to try and level the battlegrounds.

06 Jul


Originally posted by HypeBeast-jaku

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PUBG, DO NOT LEAVE DESTON AS A FEATURED MAP FOR MORE THAN A FEW WEEKS, OTHERWISE HALF THE MODES DIE AND TAKE 6+ MONTHS TO RECOVER. I mean really what are the odds they do the same exact mistake they did with Taego and let half the queues die before they remove the new map as a featured map. No way they'd do that again right???

New crafting thing seems cool, although I can't wait to see how hard of a scam it can be...

The weapon mastery thing, if the name plates are default looking and boring no one cares. I didn't realize people cared about weapon stats.

The BP stuff, honestly I find it hard to actually have enough BP each week to actually buy all the items. I play minimum 2 hours a day, with an above average win rate (so I should be making more than average BP), and I still can barely afford the contraband coupons for 8k after I reset daily missions for the Pass. I literally just cannot earn BP fast enough, also pretty sure the "BP b...

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So the dev team is planning to have the featured queue reviewed in update 19.1 to determine the matchmaking metrics; we will also be taking and collecting player sentiment about it per region, then it's up to the team to assess its outcome.

05 Jul

Live on the PC test servers tomorrow! A week later on the live servers.

01 Jul

Originally posted by Ashimdude

No. Emergency pickups are for the weak. I used a glider


30 Jun

29 Jun

Originally posted by KA3AHOBA

IIRC there was a official response - NO cuz they written the code in a way it cannot be changed (idk the correct term for that)

Could you link to that response? The option to rebind your carry keybind is coming in a future update.

Hey all! This is coming. The change is going to be a part of a future update.

28 Jun

27 Jun

Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne.

It will take a while to explore each place / area to be really able to tell tbh. I am so excited to drop EVERYWHERE

Originally posted by slo1q

Wind farm, trying to dodge propellers while parachuting

That's a clip I'd like to see

Originally posted by reabsco

Will it be in ranked?

If there is an apetite for it in the community around the globe, it can get added to ranked!

Originally posted by TheKillOrder

what is “friends” and where can I buy those?

I'll be your friend