about 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey, folks! Thanks for all these reports of getting stuck in the air lock between sub-zones. I'm sorry to hear you've all faced this issue - that sounds very frustrating, given that you are left with no choice but to abandon the mission and are left with an MIA operator!

I can confirm that our teams are currently investigating this, and all the reports here in the forum thread have been shared with them.

If you face this issue, please answer the questions below, so we can add your report to our investigation.

  1. Which map did this happen on?
  2. What difficulty were you on? Moderate, Cautious, Severe, or Critical?
  3. What were the objectives in the subzones prior and after? These can be seen on the map.
  4. Were you playing solo or in a squad?
  5. How long did you wait to see if the door opened?
  6. Do you have a video clip of this happening? (This can be uploaded to any video sharing website of your choice, and then link to it in your response.)

Thanks again for the reports. Please let me know if I can clarify the above questions, or if there are any other thoughts or comments on this.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@sgtx2tyle Hey there, welcome to Discussions! I've merged your topic with our thread on this issue for better visibility. Please go ahead and answer @Ubi-Thrupney's questions, and feel free to reach out with any other concerns 🙂

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey, folks - just me again 😎

This issue of getting stuck in the airlock should be fixed in tomorrow's maintenance 🎉

Let me know if the issue persists after the maintenance, being sure to answer my questions from my previous post. Let me know if I can clarify any of this!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi Operators,

The development team have confirmed that this issue is no longer present on the live version.

If you experience the issue again then please let us know and provide the following information:

  • Which map did this happen on?
  • What difficulty were you on? Moderate, Cautious, Severe, or Critical?
  • What were the objectives in the subzones prior and after? These can be seen on the map.
  • Were you playing solo or in a squad?
  • How long did you wait to see if the door opened?
  • Do you have a video clip of this happening? (This can be uploaded to any video sharing website of your choice, and then link to it in your response.)

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almost 2 years ago - Ubi-oof