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Being penalized because the game crashed at the end and having it assume I abandoned the match is pretty [censored] ubisoft. Pretty [censored] thing to put in.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey there @aod_kittierum , thanks for reaching out here on the forum. I understand you've crashed out of an incursion, and received a penalty for this - sorry about that!

I've passed your feedback on internally that this is a frustrating thing to happen - our teams will be able to keep your feedback in mind when making upcoming and future design decisions.

In the meantime, I wanted to help with that crash you had, so we can help to make sure it doesn't happen again. Please see our troubleshooting guide. In particular from that guide, please make sure you've updated your graphics drivers and operating system, you've verified the game files, and you don't have any unnecessary background programs interfering with the game (such as graphics or system optimisers). 

If the crash happens again after those steps, please let me know. In that case, can you describe the crash further? What were you doing in-game at the time, did the game freeze such that you had to force-quit out, did it go straight to desktop, was there an error message? This information will help me to better suggest some troubleshooting steps.

Let me know if I can clarify any of the above!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey @elreydecasual - I appreciate you asking about this. I'm sorry to hear you had a temporary abandonment ban, and I can understand how frustrating that must be.

45 minutes is quite a long time for an abandonment ban - it would usually happen after quite a few shorter ones. Have you been crashing out often? If so, please let me know, as I'll be happy to help you get to the bottom of why those crashes are happening.

To be clear, although we've passed on all feedback we've received about the penalties when crashing out, I wanted to explain that if we had a check that could see if the game crashed or not, players could fairly easily intentionally crash the game to quit out of incursions without penalty. I understand that the penalty might seem draconian, but it's something we need to keep consistent across all players and matches for it to be an effective deterrent to quitting incursions.

Fortunately, we'll always be on hand to help players minimise the risk of crashes or disconnects.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @jok21 I am sorry to hear that you received a temporary ban from the game.

To understand exactly what type of crash you experienced and what may have caused it can you let us know the following >> 
1. Did your game or computer do one of the following things when crashing >>
- PC restarts itself
- Game or launcher closed itself down
- The game launcher asked you to send a crash report
- PC displayed a certain coloured screen
- The game froze so you couldn't control anything

2. Did you receive any kind of warning messages such as >
- Any error message or error code from the game itself
- An error message from Windows
- An error message from supporting software (DirectX, BattlEye, Fairfight)

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thank you for the reply!

Did you notice the crashes occurred after a certain update to the game? Or have they only started happening on your PC? If this has been something that has affected you often, I would recommend verifying your game files in the Connect launcher to check if there are game files corrupted or missing after the latest update that are causing this. You can verify your game files by following this guide > https://www.ubisoft.com/help?article=000061966

Should that step not work, I recommend updating all of your Windows, GPU drivers, running as admin, disabling any background programs that may cause conflict and all of the things you can check on your hardware and software, to rule out a few other causes of the game closing down >

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-DeskLamp - Direct link

@jok21 In that case, please run through this FAQ and double-check that you've not missed anything listed there. Those steps will probably help out you as well, @conox5.

In addition to that, running both the game and Ubisoft Connect as an administrator is generally a good call as well. If you have more than one storage drive in your computer, I'd also highly recommend making sure that Ubisoft Connect and Extraction are installed on the same one. If at all possible, having the both of them installed on the same drive as Windows would be even better!

over 1 year ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hello @lemody,

Thank you for getting in touch, I'm sorry to see you're also having issues.

Have you tried performing a Clean Installation: (https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-uk/000190215/installing-nvidia-video-drivers-with-the-clean-installation-option) of your GPU drivers at all to see if this helps?

And if using a desktop, checked the connections of your GPU to the PSU and motherboard?