Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

22 Jul

Originally Posted by TX_Sev_070
Got ddos'd, tried to report, the support site literally doesn't even let you file a report, tf?
Edit: if you file the report as a username report it will allow you to file it, but as of now you still can't report someone for cheating.
Hey TX! In what way is it "not allowing you" to report a DDoS as cheating? Is there an error code of some nature?
Originally Posted by Y4MA
I've got video proof of hacker tracing me through walls I send it to support but those guys are still not banned
And here I lose elo and never gain. It's just not me it's everyone.
Innocent players are being punished no matter what.
The highest MMR once player hit they never gain and lose elo needs to be removed. Take or Give elo no matter what mmr the current player has.

You can contact ... Read more
Originally Posted by SCOTTSON1
Thanks for your reply. I tried DTS x and sonic but seemed to be struggling with footstep sounds, went back to stereo and can hear them fine. Any idea why? I’ll try Atmos next.
No idea why, but it's definitely an interesting thing to note. Thanks for bringing it up!
Hey Zofia, that sounds like an incredibly frustrating thing to deal with. Which datacenter is it that you're connecting to?
Originally Posted by SCOTTSON1
Just bought the Steelseries Arctis 9x and wondering which audio output is the best to use for the game, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
So, I haven't tried DTS, but I can say I definitely prefer Atmos over Stereo and Sonic! I feel that the integrity of the sound is better across the board.
Originally Posted by LordCrusader666
Directly from the page provided in the link.

Report a player to customer support

"Alternatively, if you see players in Rainbow Six: Siege who break any of the rules outlined in our CODE OF CONDUCT, please report the player to OUR SUPPORT TEAM. When you do so, please make sure you include evidence of the accusation. Videos, screenshots or any other information that identify the player and highlight violations of the Code of Conduct will help us in our investigation. "

How can a player that is no longer in the match and that got insta-kicked/banned provide the necessary evidence for reporting?
There is no replay system , the player may not even remember the name(s) of the trolls/offenders.

Is there...
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21 Jul

Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Yeah I spent 6 hours with support just to trow my phone into the wall.

How do I appeal these abandons that I got due to DDOS?
The only way to do it is through support. If you follow the provided instructions, you should just be able to open a ticket up. If you're having issues with uploading a ticket, there's not much we can do on our end, though support themselves should have more insight.
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Trying to report anyone through that portal is ******ed, i tried multiple times and the site DOES NOT LET ME. The video uploads fine, "error" always.

Again, actions of UBI THAT SUPPORT this *******s.
Hey Lyf, that's odd. You're getting this error every time you try to try to upload videos? Have you checked with support about why this might be happening?
Originally Posted by Schweppeswater
I was playing Rook on consulate with a Goyo, and got told to impact a wall with a Goyo shield behind it, my teammates then rushed into the fire and died, getting me a 60 minute suspension, and I cannot report them do to no longer being in the game.
I was surprised that there is no way to combat these types of people and I just wanted to mention this here.
Hey Schweppes! You can also go through the ... Read more
A reminder not to necro old threads, and to double check the date of threads before posting on them!
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Terrible, from DDOS to hackers, to idiots trying to loose on purpose to derank. Team killing. Toxicity. Unmatched match making. This season is literally terrible, I've never been DDOSED so constantly until this season. Wow

and match Cancellation, DOES NOT WORK.
I had 2 people leave in ban phase and NOWHERE was there a match cancellation button, all 3 of us tried to cancel the match and could not figure it out *♂️ The feature is not there, sad that Ubi would lie about something like that.
I still personally think if you leave a ranked game you should be banned for the day.
Hey Lyf, are you consistently not seeing this is a certain ... Read more
Originally Posted by Slammin.
I never really noticed this until now but we can't report people from the scoreboard in the after match summary. After the game has finished is still a common time for people to be toxic and I wanted to report some kids who were being toxic and backseat gaming only for them to get mad because I didn't do exactly what they were saying. Can we please have the ability to report people from the scoreboard once the match has finished? It's games like this that have made me play the game less and less recently
In the event that you're having an issue with the in-game reporting feature, you can also ... Read more

18 Jul

Originally Posted by Saikeee_e
I'm not that into the forums side of games but an agent suggested it to me.

What if ubi makes a mobile version of siege ?
I know there was a copycat game called Area f2 i think. Ubi took care of it i think. I played that mobile game myself and with some friends. My friends weren't very happy when the game was removed. So maybe ubi can make a mobile version of siege ? Yes siege is very complicated, the sound mechanics with walls and stuff. Especially the size of the game. But maybe if ubi can make a somewhat decent mobile version ( Doesn't need to be exactly the same as the pc and console version ). Maybe just have less operators and less maps while the game grows....
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Hey Parham! It's totally random, which definitely makes it weird that you would see so many instances of a map popping up in a row!

17 Jul

Please be sure that you are all reporting these players for griefing! Repeated teamkills are considered toxic and a bannable offense.
I think adding abandon sanctions wouldn't go over too well with the community. The mode (while holding a different name) is still casual. It's meant to not be taken as seriously as an Unranked or Ranked, and exists as a way for players to play the game freely without worrying about elo, penalties or having to sweat for a W.

With that being said, that still doesn't diminish the frustration casual players face when their teammates leave, so this conversation is kind of difficult because it's nearly impossible to come up with a solution that pleases people who want to play QM and leave as they please, and players who feel games shouldn't allow people to ruin other player's experience by leaving them in an uneven/unfair matchup.

16 Jul

Originally Posted by Father_Argo
So as we all know legendary skins are supposed to be the top tier, you aren't supposed to have many, right? so why do they all look so... underwhelming?

I have a suggestion to fix this: Animated Weapon Skins

So What do I mean by this? well, let's take Kaid's Aug A3 skin, "Algae Fin" it's green with a bit of coral, not very legendary in my opinion... Why not, instead, have it release bubbles periodically? or perhaps when he reloads, bubbles pour out of the mag well? I think that'd make it feel a little more fulfilling to get a legendary skin. Think about a squid skin, with tentacles wriggling around, or hell, maybe you can get a skin so crazy it barely looks like the gun anymore? I know some people would argue that this ...
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Originally Posted by NotKohai
It's been a long time since they said this. And still no sign of it anywhere close
Before the Covid-19 pandemic we had plans of having it come out in Y5, but unfortunately, that deadline may have shifted a bit, as we have all gone to a WFH basis.

15 Jul

Hey Tg, as long as you have submitted a ticket the support team will open an investigation into things! We don't allow for public naming and shaming on the forums, but appreciate your report all the same.