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Cant find any sort of match on eu serves doesn't matter what we try to queue into quick match unranked ranked deathmatch we could be waiting for 10 minutes and still not find a game how ever when we played with one of our other eu friends who was host we found them pretty much instantly and then when we tried to play on na after trying to find a game with no luck for 30 min it work fine just like it should what is causing us to not be able to find games on our servers ? 

about 7 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link

That sounds a tad out of the ordinary.

Have you tried any connectivity troubleshooting?

If not, can you please try the following: https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/faqs/0...iege-Xbox-One/

- Cheers
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link
Have you tried any troubleshooting guys?

I know it may seem tedious, but this has been known to help players who have also had that issue.

- Cheers
almost 7 years ago - ubi--unicorn - Direct link
Hey PROtatoAim_, have you tried these steps? If so, please create a ticket with a screenshot of your forwarded ports.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Spud - Direct link
Hey VoodooDrache, welcome to the forums.

Have you tried the steps outlined here? They will ensure the best connection to our servers, and should cut down the waiting time.

I would also suggest verifying the game's files, in case there is some sort of file system error causing this. But i believe this issue will be resolved with the above FAQ.
almost 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
Did you mean 2 minutes or 20 minutes?
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link
Glad to see that the issue has been resolved If you have any further issues don't hesitate to get back in touch!
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Matcha - Direct link
Hey guys,
If you haven't already please complete basic connectivity troubleshooting first.
We have steps for each platform here:

If these steps don't help, I'd recommend opening a ticket so we can investigate further.
over 5 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
There are definitely many players on your platform! I'm not aware of any degradation either, so I'd try signing out of PSN and back in. Go to Settings > Account Management > Sign Out. Then sign back in! Let me know if that helps.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Originally Posted by Robo-Teh-Kid
What the hell ubisoft? I bought this game a week ago And I still haven't found any match. I would like a refund if it doesn't get fixed soon
Sorry to hear you are not finding a match. Do you get an error message or does it just keep searching with the timer not stopping?

about 5 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Maxk888, have you been able to play a match as of yet?
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Hello balistickduck, welcome to the forums!

Sorry to hear that you are unable to find a match. Can you please try the troubleshooting steps listed in this article?

Hello @Responder-1, welcome to the forums!

Can you please perform the steps for XBOX listed here?

Many thanks and apologies for any inconvenience caused by this. If you have any additional questions, please let us know.
almost 5 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hi vikkstar145! I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble finding matches in Rainbow Six Siege. Can you first try clearing your cache? To do this, unplug your Xbox from the wall, wait at least two minutes, then plug the console back in and restart the game. If you're still having trouble afterward, it'd be worthwhile to complete connectivity troubleshooting. You can upload a screenshot of your port forwarding configuration to the team at support.ubi.com for further assistance if needed!
over 4 years ago - UbiKoality - Direct link
Hello ZeroPeanuts! Sorry to hear that this happened. Unfortunately, no matter the reason behind abandoning a match a penalty will still be issued. Support is not able to overturn or revert these penalties, meaning that you would not get your MMR back. My apologies for that inconvenience! In regards to the match, is this something that happens often or was it a one-time occurrence?
over 2 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Hello @OwO-_,

Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear that you were unable to find any matches. Apologies for the delayed reply.

Can you please confirm if you're still experiencing this issue? If so, can I kindly ask you to perform all of the troubleshooting steps listed in this article? This will ensure that your connection to our services is optimal.

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.