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On Windows 10 and been playing R6 for months with no issues including last night.
However since today my game kept crashing in Multiplayer and for about 10 seconds I see a window that says

I have verified my install of R6.
I have also looked in that temp folder and there is no such dll file.

Any idea how to fix?

over 6 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Hey there,

Please make sure you are running Uplay Rainbow Six Siege and the Battleye client with administrator rights.

If this does not resolve your issue, please try reinstalling the game.

If you continue to experience issues after this, can you please create a case on the support website

over 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
Hello everyone. This issue has been reported, and it is being looked into. Please tell me the version of Windows that you are using currently. It does seem like normal troubleshooting isn't working at this time.

Please understand that our team offers this troubleshooting for unknown issues because in most situations it works. When it doesn't we then look into the issue further.

Also, I've recently seen a strange assumption that we are robots. We have a bunch of team members who work on these channels, and you'll see that we work at different times of day because we're real people who work at different Ubisoft offices. If you do see that there are very similar responses coming out, it's because a support member feels that the specific troubleshooting may be generally helpful. There are only so many ways to tell someone 'please try X troubleshooting'.
over 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
Please give exact build numbers.

If you hit Windows and then type in run and press enter it will bring up a window. Please trpe Msinfo32 into that window. At the top of the page that comes up you will see your Windows build under 'Version' which is the second section on the right.
over 6 years ago - ubi--unicorn - Direct link
Thanks guys! We would like to know:

-What region are you playing in?
-What were you doing in game when the issue occurred such as game mode, loading, inviting friends, being idle?
-Have you modified any game files?

Additionally, creating a ticket with a DXDIAG file will help us further too, if you would like to do so. Please comment the ticket number below, and we'll pass it along.
over 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
Thank you very much for all the reports! I have sent Dxdiags to the team. Most reports seem to be 8.1 or Windows Insider, and that's helpful for the investigation, as that might indicate a cause.
over 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
There seem to be some users who no longer have this issue and others that do. If you still have this problem please consider sending our team your system files and leaving the case number here so I can pass on your Dxdiag to the R6 team.
over 6 years ago - UbiMatcha - Direct link
Hey Jagel-Spy, we recommend opening a support ticket on this issue so we can investigate further, thanks!
over 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
Thank you for creating that ticket. I will let the team know that there have been new reports of this issue.
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Bandicoot - Direct link
Originally Posted by RPD.Dinomist
It happens to me too. Here's my Ubisoft Support Ticket Number: 06868379
Thanks , we'll check it out as quickly as possible
over 6 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Thanks for your ticket number xSkwizY! I did see your ticket appeared to autoclose. I have reopened it for you. Can you confirm if your issue was resolved?
about 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
Anyone still having these issues should reach out to our technical team with a copy of your system files.
about 6 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Thanks VeTaL.-! An agent has responded to your case with some steps to try. We appreciate you sharing your ticket!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by Marge57Marge
  francis.meisterfrancis.meister's Avatar
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Mar 2018
Dear friends,

and at the same time I entered the game (D: \ steam \ steamapps \ common \ Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege \ BattlEye) folder and duplicated the BEClient_x64.dll file and renamed it to BEClient2.dll
worked for me.
thank you kind man...

Just an FYI - We try to avoid necroing old forum threads, so we can keep the forum clean and organised.

I'm happy to see your issue is now resolved all the best to you!