Original Post — Direct link
When I was playing Rainbow the queue was taking forever so I quit the queue and tried again. After it still would take forever to queue up so I restarted my client. (Btw before it never had said that I joined a game). After it restarted it said to reconnect to a ranked match I was never put in. I says that I will lose mmr because of this! Now I am trying to reconnect and it has been almost 8 minutes now even though it usually takes about 30 seconds. Someone please help
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
Hi guys,

I am sorry to hear that you have received a match abandonment penalty.

You can receive a penalty for abandoning a match even if you haven't done so. You may have encountered a game crash or may have been disconnected for some reason. Unfortunately the game cannot distinguish the differences and can only see that you left a match.

There can also be a delay with the penalty being applied to your account, for instance it could be from a previous match you have played.

If you have experienced any game crashes or connection issues then please try the relevant troubleshooting steps in the links below as this may help to prevent this from happening again:



over 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hey guys! If you are still having this issue, please reply with the following information:

- Your ISP username
- Your datacenter
- What platform do you play Siege on?
- Are you getting any kind of error message?
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Originally Posted by eddscall
Please fix this, just got another abandon sanction, it's doesn't join back the ranked game, it's says it will but it doesn't, searches for a new games and then an error

Thanks for replying with the requested details. Can you tell me which error message specifically you receive?

Originally Posted by reflections.
Hi, im playing on Operation Shifting Tides already and i got bugged that i cant reconnect again and again. Sorry to say but im really sick of this thing that keeps happening and ruining the moods to play the game This game has already running for 4 years. And the problem is just the same that you dont give us a reconnect button to just i dont understand how i should complain more about this.

ISP: Smartfren
Data Center: Seas
platform: PC.

I know that whatever i do it cant make anything happen haha but lets just try, shall we?
Thanks for sharing these details with us, reflections.. Can you tell me the error code(s) you encounter as well?

Originally Posted by reubthedude
Name: reubthedude
Server: NEU
Platform: PS4
Error code: 6-0x00001000

this has happened to me 8x last season (ember rise) and twice this season (Shifting tides)
Thanks for reporting this to us. I'll forward the details you've provided to the relevant teams.

Originally Posted by T3ben
Hi, I've decided to finally create a thread regarding this issue that has driven me to madness several times. I've decided to call it the "re-connect bug" (Creative name, I know), the bug/issue works like so:

I start searching for a match in the ranked gamemode and decide that "Nah, I don't want to play a ranked game at the moment" and press the "Cancel" button to stop searching, upon doing so I happen to find a match, although therein lies the problem. When I press the cancel button before entering the match fully I don't get sent into the match- I hear the music playing for ranked games but I never get into the match. So what I do is hit the "Ranked" play button again because I know that if I decide not to show up or play I get a penalty and ruin a game for 4 of my teammates. So I start searching, but for some reason I'm hit with an error message- so as any other human being i restart the game in hopes that it'll work. Guess what, it didn't work, I try again, guess again, I betcha you can guess correctly this time what happened- AGAIN I'm hit with an error message. So not only can't I play the game- I have to wait for my ban to come, wait 30 minutes for the ban to cool down and also increase the odds of my "team" losing.

I'm sick and tired of it, I've played the game for over half a year and it's been an issue from day one. You release new operators, fix small bugs and make cinematic trailers for everything, but you can't fix a god damn bug that has tormented players for this long? I can promise you that I'm not the only one who's experienced this and I won't be the last. To prove to you how it works, I decided to add a video with the problem happening and a picture with the result of the match alongside some results of the problem.

Thanks for sticking up to the community and taking care of our problems, sense the sarcasm please.

(Disregard the audio) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCcOLEWLxsU

Hello Teben, I merged your thread with an existing one as you are all having similar issues, and these are ones we are already aware of. Please try to update an existing thread where possible, especially if they're ongoing issues.

You've accurately described the core of a known issue, which we have identified to be that players are quitting the queue and / or leaving their games just as they are about to start. This still counts in the eyes of the system as an abandonment, and can result in sanctions as a result. This then is combining with another issue we are aware of - the one described in this thread - whereby players are unable to reconnect to the Ranked games they have tried to join, or else were playing in prior to being disconnected.

Please rest assured that we are taking these issues seriously, and that our devs are investigating at the moment. Please do provide the information previously requested by my colleague for us to pass this onto the devs to aid in their investigation:

- Your ISP username
- Your datacenter
- What platform do you play Siege on?
- Are you getting any kind of error message?

Thank you.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Gopnik_Penyu, have you experienced this issue since originally posting?
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Hello distronic4, I am sorry to hear this. Thank you for letting me know that your platform is PlayStation 4 - would you mind answering the other questions I posted above?

Here they are again for ease:

- Your ISP username
- Your datacenter
- Are you getting any kind of error message?
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Thanks for providing the information.

We have passed this along to the Rainbow Six: Siege team to investigate.

Thanks again!
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Originally Posted by UnoSantoz
It's super frustrating that these kinds of bugs are STILL in the game. It literally breaks the ranking system.. I am not in high ELO or anything, but even so, it gets me angry... My friends got disconnected from the same match too, but one of them could reconnect.

ISP: UnoSantoz
Datacenter: EU
Error message: 4-0xFFF0BDC0
Thanks for the information.

I can understand how you feel and I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Originally Posted by Zeon.TRG
I was playing ranked and then my internet crashed. When trying to reconnect it would not. I was waiting for 17 minuets to get into the game but it would not put me back in and then i get a ban. I want my elo since your matchmaking is very broken . When I try to see how much elo I lost it will not even tell me. It was my 18th match and I was gaining 70 elo and so you would think that I would lose the same amount. I would like that game reversed for my account so I cant be held reliable for the unreliable match making system. My team won and i heared about it because i was in the call with them. my team said that they won 74 elo and I would like the elo added instead of removed. I would be fine without the game elo but just the game removed from my account like I was never apart of the match.
We do not appeal, remove or shorten abandonment sanctions; I apologise that you were unable to rejoin the game and would be happy to investigate this further with you, however.

Have you completed our connectivity troubleshooting for your respective platform? (PC / PlayStation 4 / Xbox One)

Originally Posted by ChevelleLV
I have had a couple problems with the game lately. The first time the game crashed and I was kicked from the match and when I reloaded the game I was banned from Ranked for 30 minutes. The second time I was kicked from the match because my internet was not stable enough and their was no penalty for that. The third time my entire ps4 crashed and shutdown and I when I powered it back on I was banned for 60 minutes with a 50% renown decrease. I have never had an issue with the matchmaking part but I don't understand why there is not a time limit for someone to rejoin a ranked match in case something like that does happen. Like other people have stated all it does is make me not want to play when I get banned for something out of my control.
As my colleague Keo explained in his previous post, ChevelleLV, the system cannot distinguish the reason for your disconnection; only that the match has been abandoned. If you're being regularly disconnected, or your console is experiencing issues, please try these connectivity troubleshooting steps and these basic troubleshooting steps.

Originally Posted by Plu.z
When I was playing Rainbow the queue was taking forever so I quit the queue and tried again. After it still would take forever to queue up so I restarted my client. (Btw before it never had said that I joined a game). After it restarted it said to reconnect to a ranked match I was never put in. I says that I will lose mmr because of this! (SAME) = I’m waiting 20 min finding a match and it still can’t connect, I’m going to lose mmr and elo just because of this bug, please help Ubisoft
It sounds as if one of the times you cancelled the queue, you were just about to join a game, and this has been detected by our systems. If you were placed into the game just as you cancelled matchmaking, this can trigger an abandonment sanction, and cause issues for you when trying to reconnect to the game. I'd recommend waiting up to five minutes when queuing and then restarting the queue at that point in the future, and also completing our connectivity troubleshooting.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey milkoncheese,

Thanks for reaching out, welcome to forums and I am sorry to hear about the issue you've been dealing with.

Have you had a chance yet to complete steps outlined in the following article? If you haven't, give these a go and should issue persist, let us know!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by UbiMorning
Hey guys! If you are still having this issue, please reply with the following information:

- eastus
- ps4
- Are you getting any kind of error message?
No it is saying to reconnect but I never was in a match. It also is letting me que ranked.
Hey xXSuPeRiRXx,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to forums!

The issue where you're being asked to reconnect to existing game is something that has been brought up by a number of players and therefore is currently under review by our game team.

I do apologise about the inconvenience in the meantime and should there be any updates, details will be posted here, in our official forums, therefore keep an eye!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hey BigBoyPeanut23,

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to see this is affecting you too.

If you would like help with connection issues just say the word.

If you would like to leave more feedback on matchmaking times for our devs to see, please do so here -
