Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

10 Dec


Have you got a video so we can have a look? Or at least the level this happened to you on in particular. You using mods etc as well?


For sure. Ridgeline is our first real experiment with AI in such small numbers against the SWAT team and it’d be ideal to see it modified and improved as we go.


Originally posted by Adevyy

Could we at least get a less official way to activate them, like by editing a config file? My GPU is way too overpowered for my CPU and this leads me to believe that mirrors might have been fine for me.

Really sad to see them gone, especially without changes to the existing maps to make their non-existence less obvious.

No, to allow mirror rendering, the entire engine needs to be recompiled basically. Not as simple as a config value change.


Originally posted by Whatyourlookingfor

f**k yeah brother. Love from Christchurch

Chur me too

09 Dec


Originally posted by zigaliro

Next update will focus on SWAT AI overhaul.

Technically the next major major update will. We're gonna roll a few things out before then because it's literally a gigantic task.


Originally posted by MicholexWasTaken

VOID, i know you are reading this subreddit often...

Please make a secret update on april 1st, where killing Amos would actually result in getting more points and getting a secret achievement.



Originally posted by ThumblessGod

Gruntr trying hard to win Employee of the Month.

If I get it VOID will release my wife and child from The Sphere.


Originally posted by Whatyourlookingfor

WHAT are you Kiwi bro?

Yeah mate. Born and raised


Originally posted by TheSaint730

that’s what i’m saying too bruh like i don’t understand why i gotta wait until an ai literally shoots me basically to not get penalized

that's not what we want you to do btw. you shouldn't have to wait for them to shoot at you. it's a strange little bug. we'll investigate this


hmm. that should've been authorized. we'll take a look


She may have bled out if you hit an artery. (Note there is currently no way to stop them bleeding)


Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Dont make me cum. Its not 5pm yet

Smuttiest response I’ve received yet, bravo!


Originally posted by KestreLw

Yeah, hasn't moved since the release

Actually it was overwhelmingly positive a few weeks ago! Hahaha. It fluctuates a bit.


Originally posted by ryujin88

Just from briefly looking at the update, I have a couple observations.

I don't know what you've tried yet, but if you haven't already looked into it, you can blend animation over ragdoll in unreal ( by having the bones simulate physics and adjusting the blend weight over time to smoothly transition from animation to ragdoll. You should also look into the joints and joint limits as well on the physics asset to avoid bounces and weird behaviors. Generally the joints are too loose with colliders on the bones able to intersect a lot which can be one way you get those ragdoll bounces and twitchy-ness.

Anyway if you end up with a blend from the current animation to the death animation with a smooth transition to physics you can get some fairly believable reactions without the ragdoll "flop", in...

Read more

that's what we're doing


Originally posted by TheManager127

They said something along the lines of they’ll consider it but only once the game is in a more solid state



Originally posted by confused-toilet-roll

it doesn’t work with the main menu stuff unfortunately, but thanks for the suggestion though

I'll follow up with this but what do you need? Maybe I can record it in-editor for you and send it somewhere.


Thanks for your feedback. We'll be looking into some short-term QOL changes for the SWAT so they're at least a little less frustrating to play with until we've finished the overhaul.


Glad you enjoyed it! Our team is gonna take a bit of time to relax now that it's out, but messages like these really feel great to read. Thank you!


Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Bit of an exaggeration. I understand the technical reason for needing animations. But tbh id prefer teleporting ragdols upon restraining than the same animations over and over.

Or a good middle ground is to add more varied animations. I keep seeing the same ones.

Also i hate how running suspects dont fall in the direction they are running when shot.

More animations are planned and so are improvements :) Can have your cake and eat it too in this case, just need to wait a little til we knock out the kinks. But fair criticism.