Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

03 Dec


Did you install this manually ? Can you show me what’s in your ready or not install directory, under saved/paks

You can also turn off the checksum check in options to allow games with different mods

02 Dec


Originally posted by WrappingRaptor

He was! I didn't know Gerald dabbled in magic, but it sure took me by surprise to say the least

Edit: Towards the end of the clip, you can very clearly see his feet just kinda hovering through the floor

Some funky business going on here for sure. Thanks for the vid :)

01 Dec


Good things to know would be the guns and attachments you're using too. We had a bug before release where if you had a suppressor on, the AI couldn't see you!


Originally posted by WrappingRaptor

u/Gruntr Please allow Gerald to obey the laws of physics (Love the game, but thought this was hilarious)

Is he floating above the staircase? I can see a foot when he shoots you at first.. wondering if the dude clipped through a wall by accident or something.


Originally posted by tomoki_here

genuine question here since I don't quite understand how AI is built, why was AI back then so much more advanced? I'm watching the playlist and I'm like.. wow.

Are things nowadays harder to build? Is that why AI for RoN is so different?

All the geniuses got mopped up by software development companies at some point in the early 2000's, that's my theory. Thankfully we've got our own geniuses :)


Originally posted by TheManager127

You dropped this 👑

Royalty DLC Confirmed???


Originally posted by peanutmanak47

This is a pretty cool find. Wonder if it's just the devs f**king around or if it's part of the story they are building.

I’m now officially a voice actor developer. Nice


Ridgeline is an interesting one because it's a way to challenge ourselves in a way -- if we can make fighting two suspects in a house engaging and drawn-out, it paves the way for a lot of interesting future levels. Definitely will add more suspects if it ends up being just too plain, at the very least for Raid. We're introducing some fixes (for some reason Gerard was invincible to damn near everything). Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by agnosticdeist

I’m genuinely curious too, when y’all figure it out could you put the cause in the patch notes? This is a weird one!

Will do! You can see it easily in the lobby, if you look over at the kill house with a shotgun and without. So strange!


Originally posted by TacticalHog

I have to bite, why only shotguns?

That’s what we need to find out. It’s quite bizarre!


Originally posted by Whatsupgamers1738

React? Call it out to alert others, perhaps make them a bit scared.

currently it doesnt even alert them if they are in a calm patrol state.

they do get semi-alerted, they go into a "suspicious" state. there is just no voiceover or unique animations for that kind of stuff yet. but the logic exists

30 Nov


Originally posted by Whatsupgamers1738

Thanks for answering, the update is great and im really enjoying it. With the new AI systems being easier to update, we will see new features sooner for AI? and general tweaks to perfect them.

I'm also hoping we get some kind of SWAT AI update very soon, this update has made them even worse :(

Yep. We haven’t defined how we’re going to release AI updates but new behaviours are a lot easier to add.

And me too. The SWAT AI is gonna be a bit of a behemoth, but will be well worth it. We’ve got some tricks up our sleeves don’t you worry!


Too much grain (and sharpening, noticed that too -- looks as if it was upscaled). Totally my bad! Will be fixed asap.


Yeah eventually. It's hardly a large feature though compared to all of the other things that have been added or improved in this update. But you can't add everything at once, or the update would never release! So we'll keep working on it. But yes, very true. We have lines for this, but seems like they don't play.