Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

18 Nov


Any more details on the crash? Did you submit a crash report?

17 Nov


Because modded maps can't generate cover yet

16 Nov

15 Nov


Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Ali pls dont let child like reactions take away from how much we love and care about the game. The more child like the more we care in my opinion. Hope we dont make u hate ur job xoxo


Thanks for the reminder. I keep forgetting

14 Nov

11 Nov


Originally posted by ekinetikz

From the Steam discussion:

Sounds like the supporter editions should be getting an update soon? Or is it for everyone?


10 Nov

09 Nov

08 Nov


Thanks for sharing. still a ton of work to be done yeah

06 Nov


It was a bug and it has been fixed. Wasnt the fault of, it was us. We're sorry for this inconvenience. It must've been annoying. Will be pushed out in the next update


We have a bunch of more maps on the way!

I recommend Fairfax swat 4 remake and Lustful Remorse. Good maps

05 Nov


Originally posted by bentolunch

But do suspects really need to take hostages if they can headshot me the millisecond I enter their line of sight? Don't want to sound harsh, but I feel like these kind of gameplay additions should be built upon a game with solid foundations instead of the state it is in now.

ok, we'll take this feature out. thanks for your feedback