Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

16 Sep

15 Sep

14 Sep

12 Sep

09 Sep

08 Sep


Be still my beating heart

Nice find!

02 Sep

01 Sep


Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

Also, is that the new M4 model?

Yup. Also you can hear our new automatic gunfire loops.

31 Aug

30 Aug


Because we're still in development. Changing a value in a text file is a lot easier than pushing out an update. Mods don't fix anything, they just change values that we expose, they can't add in new behaviours or fixes. Keep in mind the AI is not final and we're not fully satisfied with their behaviour too!


Hey OP - thanks for posting, just wanted to confirm this is a known issue and will be fixed for next patch!

29 Aug


Wow good job. that door tho oof

27 Aug

25 Aug


Originally posted by oscarburr11

Deleted all modded maps, flash bangs still don’t make noise, same with stuns

That's very odd - in every case of the flashbangs disappearing it was tied to modded maps

Did you completely move any mod related stuff out of the ready or not folder?

Verify game files? Maybe something got borked along the way


There's people bringing em down for that?! Why?!?!

Are they posting the playthroughs on YT?

24 Aug

23 Aug