Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

05 Dec


Yup. Didn't expect the reaction, working on it guys. You won't actually be able to buy the game at all actually until more keys are in. Will keep y'all updated.


Originally posted by HollowNeck

Small changes like low ready greatly add to the immersion, for me at least.

That's why we added it as an option! It was automatic at one point but it just caused issues.


Originally posted by I-wanna-fuck-SCP1471

You just walk in, i think it might be RNG as to whether its open

It shouldn't be rng. Just only available on Barricaded Suspects.


You better believe this is gonna get fixed


Thanks for the comments guys, it's good to know we're headed in the right direction.

03 Dec


Thank you. It took so long and we could have handled our communication in so many more healthy ways, but I'm glad we're at a point now where it's onward and upward. I, too, can't wait to see where it goes!

02 Dec


Which dots and weapons are you having the most trouble with? All?


Originally posted by niepoczytalny

Thb I hope enemy and team AI is good

I want enemies to be lethal and dangerous, but also a team that can assist me, not just stand and block the corridor

The team AI can get killed in some frustrating ways occasionally but the best way to catch those and fix them is when Devs/players report it or record it, but yeah that's definitely something that needs to work at least 99.9% of the time. Wip though! Team AI should be accessible now anyway just gotta make sure nobody joins your server (supposing you have the alpha and if you don't, whenever you get it it'll likely have improved, as you would expect over the course of development)


Originally posted by Used_Childhood_1478

I think i found it, if i put vfx and antialiasing on lower settings, it’s way better.

If possible could you upload a video and link it here? Im wondering if it's the sharpness that's doing it (so shooting back) or just flashlights and their fog contribution. In any case I'll add it to my list. :)

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