Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

20 Dec

19 Dec


Turn in place should be coming soon. But thanks for bringing attention to it.


Yeah they can be BS sometimes. Totally will be looking at improving it!


Originally posted by A_MAN_POTATO

Not many games, especially early access, come out of the gate with an overwhelmingly positive. It's nice to see everyone shares in our love of this game.

I love seeing it. But it might dip and rise. It's already down to 95%! It is what it is.

18 Dec


Brb adding an F- to the game


Originally posted by OkSystem7284

I'm one of the people affected by the xsolla key issue so I haven't been able to play it yet, but I remember hearing something a while back about ray tracing support. Does the game support it? If so, which features?

RTX reflections right now. Could look into more features from rtx later


They exist! Just subtle. Could increase.


Originally posted by Gruntr

There is a bounce light that has been disabled for performance in this case.

But it's on by default*


There is a bounce light that has been disabled for performance in this case.


Originally posted by Noakespg2

Yep. This is a joke. People who gave them the money first and helped make it happen are literally the ones they have screwed over most through all this.

It's an issue were currently resolving with xsolla, no sure why emails aren't being sent.