Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

10 Jun


Not bad, forwarding it to corporate.

In all seriousness, expect an announcement soon.


Originally posted by naisinag

Alright, buddy, here is my question: Is the in-game gear designed after real tactical gear ? I mean, does the game feature gear made by famous companies such as FirstSpear, Crye, UF Pro, Blue Force Gear and so on ? This question came in my mind when I saw a squad member having a BFG Micro IFAK on his belt, and I kept wondering about this since then. Thank you for your time and support on this community by the way !



Originally posted by naisinag

Hey, buddy, can I ask you something about the game ? A simple curiosity

Go right ahead! If it's anything related to the singleplayer or CO-OP content from the Alpha keep in mind that it's probably under NDA, so feel free to send me a private message about it.

09 Jun


Originally posted by magic1765

It’s sad I have such high hopes for this game I just hope they don’t go broke or abandon it

Not planning for either of those! Despite some of the slowdowns we talked about, things are going well.

Good suggestion, though — SEF v7 looks really good. Looking forward to trying it out myself one of these days.


Originally posted by FlippingBLEEP

If you buy it from Void’s website, you’ll get a Steam key.



Originally posted by Gabenfoodle

The game does, but an FAQ takes a half-drunk PR guy a few hours. Hell there's probably people on this sub that'd do it for free.

What about a fully drunk PR guy?

Nah, truth is I've been putting it off since the gameplay trailer released. It answers most of the people's questions, plus I've rarely seen any repeated questions being posted here anymore. Doesn't mean I shouldn't update it, though. I'll take care of it. How about we wait until the anniversary?

08 Jun

05 Jun


Originally posted by JimboTheCableGuy

Ok, if this is my only time to communicate with the notorious faQQQQQQ this is my one message to you because I'm still pretty new to this community and everyone makes it sound super difficult to get anything out of VOID so please hear this.


I say this because honestly, I felt as if I was getting ripped off on this game when it comes to development. A lack of comms = everyone losing faith in you. Please communicate a little more often when it's possible and I promise you wouldn't get as many people upset, especially those who have thrown 150 dollars at you for early access. Thank you for this reply and just this reply alone has finally given me light to the lost hopes I've had for this game.

Don't worry, I'm not that hard to catch — I browse this subreddit and hang around both the community and the Supporter Discord servers every day. Feel free to message me always. I try to talk and address concerns both here and there as much as I'm able to, given that, as CM, I'm the bridge between you guys and the development team. Although, the team tends to prefer keeping their heads low and working hard to produce solid content we can then happily showcase to the public. We don't really like rushing things at all and we want to wait until we're comfortable with what we're sharing.

I'm happy to see you haven't lost hope! Thanks to you for the continued support :)


Originally posted by hiwhiwhiw

Is any single player campaign included in the alpha build?

The full singleplayer campaign will be left for the final release. We don't want to spoil the story ;)

However, the Alpha does feature a number of singleplayer and CO-OP levels Supporters can playtest, with more coming down the line.


We currently have official servers for Europe, Australia and North America. However, albeit we've temporarily switched to fixed matchmaking in the current PVP build, we'll be bringing back the server browser in the future, and player dedicated servers along with it. We're also interested in getting some more official servers for additional regions such as Asia later down the line.

04 Jun


Originally posted by Parzalai

Watching the trailer I can't wait for the controversy that would bring players to the game. I really wish that void made a much more deeper campaign mode that, whilst maintaining the SWAT4 style levels, has amazing cinematic to add onto RoN as it's own unique game. When I saw the trailer I got so happy that a game has tha nuts to be more unfiltered with how they represent their military/swat, and what they can encounter on a day to day basis. I'd love to see these gruesome realities fancied up onto a custscene at the end of every mission to make what you did that bit more impactful, leaving affected and changed from the game, now having essentially shown you really how it is to be a swat/military officers in the lowest of the lows and how that can affect the state of mind. If void were to take the right route with the SP mode and go in unhinged showing truly what happens behind the yellow tape, a clear and devastating point of view into the deviancy that they face, be it a crazed l...

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Looking forward to that as well.


Originally posted by Gammel_Gun

pretty shure theyr main focus is the single player campaign

Yup. Still is.


Originally posted by JimboTheCableGuy

The optimistic side of me wants to say "it's only the beginning of June" but the realistic side of me says it's going to get pushed back a couple of months. The fact that they're even bothering with PVP and it's botched release is even more obvious they have their priorities set differently from what we want (PVE) It's a damn shame. It really is.

Our priorities are still set in our singleplayer campaign and CO-OP content. That hasn't changed. The reasons why we chose to temporarily focus on the PVP part of the game are further explained in our latest newsletter, which shines some light on what's going on with development at the moment. This doesn't mean that we just switched all resources to PVP and forgot about SP and CO-OP — that's definitely not the case. In fact, albeit a portion of the team is still working on sorting out present issues on the PVP build, most of our resources are currently focused on the SP and CO-OP experience, including animations, level design and art, lighting and texturing, and probably most important of all, the AI system. We're doing what we can with what we've got and making a lot of progress, although also certainly looking f...

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Originally posted by Tacti-cool_Tuba

The Singleplayer and co-op modes are still protected under an NDA so all I'll say is that it's good. Please don't Sue me void.

too late lawsuit heading your way


I'm almost glad day one was such a mess because I laughed so hard watching this

Great video, thanks Badger :)

01 Jun


Thanks for the pre-order!

If you've purchased the Standard Edition, you'll be getting an email with activation instructions when the Beta starts.

30 May