Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

25 May


Originally posted by Senderded

Well they better overhaul the animations, AI, and voice acting before any of that. Because if they lift NDA before taking care of those issues its gonna be another Dreamhack situation on our hands, I don't think my poor heart can handle that.

We will. Let your heart rest a little.


Having a server browser is both good and important. We know. We brought matchmaking to the new patch for testing purposes, as we wanted to expose and yet some of the critical issues so we can fix them. Ideally, we'd like to have both alternatives available for the player to choose from.


Originally posted by JackMandolino

FAQ is the best member YET, maybe when the NDA will be lifted and devs will actually be able to say something to the public, we’ll find other mentally unstable people just like the whole RoN community

We're all pretty darn cool


Originally posted by TacHanz

with the community manager too he’s the best member on the team



So THIS is what you were doing during that match. Huh.

Quality stuff.

18 May


Cool shot. Now I'm wondering what happened next, though.


This is amazing. I love the tones you picked. Great work!

17 May


We really like the idea of expanding on the world of Ready Or Not with future expansions, and there's definitely a bunch of interesting locations and police units we'd like to look into. Our current idea for expansions is that they feature new levels (perhaps even storylines) in different locations of the world and, alongside them, new units, weapons, gear, and even rules of engagement according to which team you're playing as.

This is all really exciting to think about, albeit we currently have all hands (and minds) on deck working on releasing the base game first!

15 May


Originally posted by ChunkyChap25

You mean.... Carcosa?

Do I?

14 May


Originally posted by Ed_Blue

As of now there is not much point in using LTL since anyone can just kill one of the arrested and they respawn anyway, even teammates. It will be interesting to see how that gets resolved.

It would be nice if it was somehow possible to extract your arrests or otherwise move and somehow pin them down (I'm pretty sure u can alredy do that by stunning) so they no longer are able to escape or die and respawn.

Alternatively there would have to be some kind of penalty for killing arrests especially as a teammate since there is no point in freeing anyone if u can just shoot him in the face. I can imagine the suspects doing that but not SWAT.

That is a fair point. We do need to further look into balancing arrested players getting killed by teammates.


This tweet didn't age well now, did it?

This is one of the things I like the most about the dark mood. There are areas of the map where you can turn your flashlight or NVGs on and find stuff you definitely wouldn't have seen otherwise.


Originally posted by Loaf_Lord_Gaming

I was more saying there’s a dog in the basement of the pvp map lol but yes I love the darkness!



I laughed out loud. Thanks for this.


Originally posted by Plazmarazmataz

Duh, that's why it's called Ready or Not, they were talking about its quality on release day.

Good one.


Originally posted by leonardopalone

This is exactly what I didn’t want the game to be... I wanted it to be as true to reality as possible. I know it’s a game. I know we are gamers and not real swat officers.

But I also know that swat officers don’t just randomly take a ladder out to climb a whole building to derp around.

Good luck getting that ladder to the top floor without getting neutralized by the enemy team, though!


Originally posted by Pan_Diego

It coule be the gas mask. I've heard that with all the gas use it's become an essential gadget and there is no sense in taking it off.

Gas may be a little bit overpowered at the moment. We're looking into it. Balancing is fun.


Originally posted by Oldkingcole225


Never mess with a man's sound


Originally posted by jtrav52

Hey quick question. I’m a little late on the uptake but I’m a supporter. Any way I can play the pvp?

Simply download the latest update for Ready Or Not on Steam and hop into a match :)