Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

16 Jul


Originally posted by Cactux3000

If only they at least told us what's going on, i can totally understand it's a lot of work to make such an ambitious game especially as an indie dev but for the love of god just tell us what you are working on

We're currently focusing on getting a lot of the animations pretty and done, on continuing to work on our new and overhauled AI system, and on the texturing, lighting and overall make-up of singleplayer and CO-OP levels. Although, naturally, there's other areas of development being worked on, those have been the top three recently. We want to have a solid AI (which is really complex work, honestly) with good animations and some ready-to-play levels for our Beta launch, besides making sure we get there with as many functional and smoothed-out features as we're able to (although we of course expect things to break too — it's a Beta).

In case some aren't aware yet, here's the newsletter

talking about why we didn't ...

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i cry everytime

15 Jul

12 Jul


Originally posted by Sgitch


I remember having access to voids old server and telling them it was open access. they closed it and thanked me :D

Good Guy Sgitch <3


Mostly accurate. My accent is off, though.

11 Jul


squeeze the trigger


Hey, Jack — thanks for choosing to pre-order the game!

The email with your Steam key typically arrives either immediately, a few hours after, or at most a couple of days. I've seen Xsolla's delivery system experience some delays in the past so that could be the case. If you continue not to receive the key, please get in contact with Xsolla's live customer support directly so they can hand it to you.

08 Jul


We like the idea of getting the game out for consoles eventually, but we're focusing on the PC release first. That's our priority.

06 Jul

01 Jul


They're currently in the process of being sent out to all pre-existing Standard Edition buyers. If you had pre-ordered the game before the announcement and are yet to receive your coupon, it should be arriving anytime soon.


Hustle responsibly.


Try restarting Steam — that should do the trick. If it doesn't, try reinstalling the game.

28 Jun


Originally posted by Zopporillo

Stages of how it was created

Very cool.


Originally posted by your_worst_friend

As soon as I get back to my pc I'll check thanks

Here's a link to the Supporter Discord server:

To get your account verified and gain access to the server's channels, please follow the instructions in the #become-verified channel. Let me know if you need any further help!


Originally posted by hagridino

Message the NDA TOC Bot Ready Or Not Bot and send him your mail and order number. If you just purchased the game, it could take up to an hour until it works.

Do note it's the Ready Or Not Bot you've gotta message, not the TOC bot! The TOC bot is exclusively for mod mail.

27 Jun


Originally posted by DougDimmadomeBarista

Hey faq, does upgrading with the coupon give the FBI skins too?



As Cleebo8 said, we've recently added a medkit to the game the player can use to recover some health and remove debuffs from certain injuries, such as slowed movement after getting shot on the leg. It can also be used by teammates. We're still testing and tweaking the system, however, and it's likely to see further changes along the road.


Happy to hear that!