
Rimworld Dev Tracker

14 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/3219450621200118096]here[/url].

12 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Balance updates and bugfixes today!

If you're willing to help test the unstable build in future, please join us here: https://discord.gg/EV2PNt7

Feedback is welcome all around. The most direct place to offer it is the Discord channel above, but I'm watching forums, Reddit, and everywhere else I can collect feedback. Thanks in advance to those who contribute thoughts, and to all those who have offered feedback so far.


- Baron can now do Animals work.
- Count can now do commoner work. Count is now only unable to do same as Baron, plus Animals.
- Balanced down ultratech and bladelink melee weapons a bit. Reduced illegal bladelink usage detection chance 5% to 3%.
- Psychic entropy base recovery rate reduced from 5 to 4.
- Improve psychic entropy recovery rate on pawns without psychic amplifiers from 4 to 8.
- P... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706241050118861599]here[/url].

11 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
This is a continuation of yesterday's unstable testing with some updates.

If you're willing to help test the unstable build for compatibility in future, please join us here: https://discord.gg/4YMfu6


- Player-created content update.
- Fix: Nuclear Stomach not having zero food poisoning chance
- Fix: Escaping prisoners being able to equip bladelinked/biocoded weapons.
- Refactored mech cluster position finder to be more robust and flexible.
- Fix: Room requirements debuff for royals in caravan. Only apply debuffs on player home maps.
- Fix: Some mechanoids showing up as "dormant" after awakening.
- Fix: No mech wake-up sound on LordJob_SleepThenAssaultColony.
- Fix: Link plasmasword and zeushammer having no detection chance.
- HaulAIUtility now checks whether the worktable is spawned when deciding if hau... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323235640406]here[/url].

10 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
This update is available on Steam's unstable branch fo testing.

We're testing to ensure full save and mod compatibility. If you're willing to help test the unstable build for compatibility, please join us here: https://discord.gg/FYBsdNX

Change list:

- Increased mini-turret range 25->29.
- We no longer generate big mech clusters if there's no space for them to spawn anyway (we keep the points, they're just more compact).
- We no longer generate quests to build monuments bigger than possible (e.g. due to bad terrain).
- Quests are now consistently sorted by date in the quests tab.
- Low-tech weapons are no longer biocodable.
- Psychic animal pulser no longer affects player faction animals.
- Adjust tuning of chemical desire traits.
- Add tip about changing storyteller and difficulty through the options menu.
- Col... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323232123176]here[/url].

08 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Just a small balancing update this weekend.

Balancing will continue as we collect more feedback from across the Internet.

- Increase tribute collector rewards to 4 favor per prisoner and 1 favor per 50 gold.
- Inferno turret now has longer cooldown and lower accuracy.
- Charge blaster turret now has lower rate of fire, smaller burst size, and worse long-range accuracy. Renamed to charge turret.
- Mech turrets health changed from 280 to 250.
- Random mech clusters no longer come as as raid strategy but as their own incident.
- Increase faction relations rewards for quests.
- Fix incorrect black line on the Royalty main menu background.
- Adjusted donkey and caribou body size (donkey is no longer bigger than a yak).
- Added some loading tips.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323225544421]here[/url].

07 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
This update brings bugfixes and other adjustments.

If you're willing to help test the unstable branch, please join this Discord server: https://discord.gg/FYBsdNX

Change log:

- Shorten the royal endgame quest defense duration 15 days->12 days. This does not affect quests that were already generated.
- Significantly reduced the frequency of random mech clusters (unconnected to quests).
- Mech large turrets now have minimum ranges. Mech mortars initial warmup increased 60->120 seconds. Mech mortars cooldown increased 44->80 seconds.
- Reclassified mech mortar as problem causer instead of combat threat, so clusters will now only spawn one of these. Charge blaster turret burst shots reduced 24->16. Mech heavy turrets health 380->280.
- Hosting quest worst case raids timing is no longer as severe.
- Giving a speech from the thron... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323220949452]here[/url].

06 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
This update brings bugfixes and other adjustments.

If you're willing to help test the unstable branch in future, please join this Discord server: https://discord.gg/FYBsdNX

Change log:

- Fix: Endless cycle of the prisoner getting out of bed, and the doctor putting the prisoner in the bed
- Fix: Tortured artist gets inspiration after being hit by berserk psycast.
- Most traders now buy musical instruments.
- A mitigation for: Pawn allocated several times to Bed or Throne. Until the root cause is known.
- Fix: Cloth sandbags not displaying as 1.0 color.
- Fix: A count was used as a caravan guard for the empire
- Show detection chance for illegal psycasts attached to the mouse.
- All weapons are now biocodable. All lodgers now arrive with their weapons biocoded. Lodgers can now drop non biocoded weapons via UI (e.g. if ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323217653535]here[/url].

05 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
This update contains balance changes and bugfixes.

If you're willing to help test, please join the testing Discord server: https://discord.gg/ryKTFr


- Mech turret balance: Charge blaster turret cooldown 3.5->4.5 seconds. Inferno cannon turret cooldown 8.5->11.5 seconds Inferno cannon miss radius 3.5->3.9.
- Update player-created content: 172 names added.
- Languages updated.
- Ground-penetrating scanner rebalance. Random find time 4 work days->3 work days. Guaranteed find time 8 work days -> 6 work days.
- Ground-penetrating scanner now displays feedback about the current user's scanning speed, the random scan interval for this user, and the progress to a guaranteed find.
- Fixed a bug that could cause deep ores to generate outside the buildable area.
- Hunting decrees are now cancelled if there are n... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1706240323213708005]here[/url].

03 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Just a quick update with some miscellaneous fixes. RimWorld is now at 1.1.2563.

This update is on the unstable branch. EDIT: Released to main branch now.

- Shuttles now avoid landing on crops.
- Using a resurrection serum now removes royal titles, to prevent duplicating them.
- For modders, fixed and issue where BaseGen and SketchGen SetCustom and GetCustom methods don't work
- Fixed a bug that allowed stacking toughskin, armorskin, and stoneskin implants.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the royal ascent quest to fail if the high stellarch died of old age.
- Fixed a bug that caused traders to restock every day.
- Fixed a bug where nobles would get stuck if the throne room became unreachable after they decide to go reign.
- Fixed a bug that caused bladelink weapons lose reference to bonded pawn after the pawn died or leaves the map when saving the game.
- Long mod names will no longer clip out of the box on the loading screen.
- Fixed... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1705113791265539786]here[/url].
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/294100/announcements/detail/1705113791262304176]here[/url].
    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
EDIT: This has been released to the default Steam branch.

Today's updated build is up for testing on the unstable branch. The build is 1.1.2562. We'll set it live soon after we confirm it doesn't break anything. It should be save and mod compatible.

Anyone who is willing - please try the unstable branch with as many mods and as crazy a savegame as possible! I'd love to hear if anything breaks, or if it doesn't. Thanks in advance.


- Silver and gold tile are now considered fine floor. Fine floor have an info card entry stating that they are fine.
- Fixed a bug that caused backstory translation data to be ignored if the translation was compressed.
- Fixed a bug that caused the camera to jump occasionally.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to form a caravan if two map sides were blocked.
- Adjusted mech cluster drop rules to avoid dropping too close to colony or colonists.
- Changed psychic animal pulser to only affect no... Read more

02 Mar

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
The release of RimWorld - Royalty has been a great success! Thanks to everyone who's bought it so far, the testers and translators, modders, streamers and video makers.

I thought it would be a good idea to write a bit about what to expect next. In the past I've rarely written about the future because release dates and game designs often change unexpectedly during development. I can't tell you how many times in the past I had a firm expectation of some development outcome that was totally wrong in the end. Not talking about the future avoided the risk that something would change and people would get angry because they perceive some promise to have been broken. Talking less also allowed me to focus on making the game great instead of spending time managing public expectations.

Now, though, I think it's time to give a bit more info of what to expect to to help people in the community make their own decisions and to help modders be ready for what's coming next.

... Read more