Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

29 Oct

28 Oct

26 Oct

25 Oct

23 Oct

22 Oct

21 Oct


Originally posted by IzBitey

I am desperate for some news on this. Looking at getting the XSX rather than upgrading the PC but 95% of my gaming is RL so the decision is delayed until I hear from psyonix one way or the other.

For a game with an esports scene and crossplay this should be a pretty high priority as 120fps is a tangible competitive advantage over 60fps. You could argue that PCs pushing higher framerates is still an advantage over 120 but I think the law of diminishing returns starts to kick in at about 120.

Calling u/psyonix_devin please give us something!

Calling u/psyonix_devin please give us something!

Nothing to share on this right now, sorry bud!


Originally posted by freakturbo

Please fix tournament queues, i sit through several minutes of ''checking in'' only to be met with a ''tournament is full'' like that even makes any sense...

Please fix tournament queues, i sit through several minutes of ''checking in'' only to be met with a ''tournament is full'' like that even makes any sense...

Seeing this from many on the sub, and passing along to the tourney team. Thank you!


Originally posted by anon14118

Is there going to be a quick invite that's platform specific like for xbox or playstation? Like how it was before sept 16th? Where you could search for someone psn or GT and invite without having to add as friends on epic or on our platform

Is there going to be a quick invite that's platform specific like for xbox or playstation?

Passing along this request (and I know others have brought this up as well).


Originally posted by Size--

Hey Deevion, please change OCE tournament time (or add another?) - the daily tournament is currently 11pm NZ time meaning that they can finish close to midnight - which you'l hopefully agree is way too late for most people to enjoy.

Have seen this feedback before, and passing along again, thank you! :)


Originally posted by zgibs125

/u/psyonix_devin can you offer any insight to this? Should the voice of the grand slam explosion be playing when the goal is actually scored and not just during the replay?

/u/psyonix_devin can you offer any insight to this? Should the voice of the grand slam explosion be playing when the goal is actually scored and not just during the replay?

Thanks for the tag! This is a bug, not intended, so we're working on a fix for a future update.