
Runescape Dev Tracker

11 Apr

10 Apr

09 Apr


Originally posted by Biomation

They literally had a model for desperate measures quest. Dont defend them if they're making record profits and can't put some of it back into their product.

Technically it doesn't really work that way. Modelling and texturing is a lot of work, but rigging and animating takes even longer. The Jas model just sits there ticking because it was never designed to do anything other than that.

08 Apr


Originally posted by WorldGuardian

It is??? I am truly shocked lol. I'm willing to own up to being wrong lol. I guess it's a fair difference without the effect on her voice... Thanks for the reply though!

No worries. She's actually really nice too, she wanted us to send her the cutscenes when they were finished and got really into the character's personality and motivation.

07 Apr


Can confirm - pretty much anything you can expect to get while skilling, you can get in the dream: pets, skill shards, strange/golden rocks, anything from the activity timers, etc.

06 Apr


Originally posted by Mod_Miva

Thank you for sharing your feedback. If I may ask... what else would you like to see (speaking of rewards)?

Hey here,

Just wanted to say "Thank you!" for all your feedback. Devs are looking into it.