
Satisfactory Dev Tracker

10 Feb


Originally posted by Cataclysmm

I hope the new content gives us something to do with our factories beyond initial tier unlocks..Building them is great fun, but then what?

it will


Originally posted by Joernzen

So can I just start over at experimental and later use this world on stable? Or is it not wise to do it that way and wait for stable?

yep you should be able to. once experimental is stable we will move it to stable and it'll be the same version. but as always, just back up your saves.


Originally posted by Ionized-Cell

So is it a new save file each major update? Or only that one they recently did?

it depends on the update. in this case there are so many changes that you will likely need a new file. you can try your old one but you will likely need to fix up large chunks of your factory.

09 Feb

08 Feb

07 Feb


youtube version with some sounds if you wanna give us a like <3


Originally posted by zeoliteTooth

Keep up the good work guys, you are outperforming many other companies with this game in early access and your shining passion for it. It was very easy to get hooked on it, which makes it a great game. Frustrated comments should actually be taken as encouragement. It clearly describes people craving for more. Listening and developing the game with the community is a safe and secure way to keep the game going for a long time. Majority of the people here really take this game seriously and understand the early access process...counting the seconds for next update. The next dose. This game has endless possibilities to grow. Glad I was part of the early stage...

So, sitting here. In my cheap Ikea chair. Waiting, staring out the window, watching the snow being snow. Drinking cold red wine. Which is cold because I left it in the car. Rookie mistake. For a gamer, getting something from the car when you are in the real driver seat, is no easy task. I take a big puff of the

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i dont know why this is my favourite comment on reddit and i just want to know more about bob

06 Feb