
Satisfactory Dev Tracker

02 Feb

01 Feb

31 Jan


Originally posted by thalandor46

Gotta be honest, the Update 3 teasers so far have had me mildly curious at best. But this? This has me hyped!

probably because i didnt make this teaser


Originally posted by OneFlyMan

Happy Cake day u/JaceAtCoffeeStain!



Originally posted by FTLNewsFeed

It's actually the other way around, most of this stuff was already in the game - different texture foundations, glass walls - but they removed it. The mod makers were kind enough to add it back in and a few other ideas of their own creation like the wall-mounted power cables. It looks like CSS just added this stuff back in along with a few of the more nifty ideas. You can go back and look at some of the data mined stuff on YouTube from early Alpha builds -- we were just wondering when they'd be coming back.

things like glass also needed a little bit of work to ensure they weren't too heavy on the game. transparency can really mess with performance.


Originally posted by D3xdt3_irl

Ok, my vote is, since its releasing on experimental first anyhow, just give it to us next Tuesday with a huge disclaimer that nothing may work

the issue isnt necessarily bugs. worse than bugs is if things straight up feel bad (lacking design polish). the final touches go a long way


Originally posted by Nerfstorm

Nice to see new parts for building factories, but I hope to see more depth added to the game in U3.

We have waited for quite a whilesince U2, so I hope to see more stuff being teased in the coming days.

there will be depth added too, guaranteed

30 Jan


Originally posted by kewzue

We worked at Massive together, he broke stuff, i fixed it.

sounds like tim