
Smite Dev Tracker

27 Oct


Hello u/mr-ultr and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

No Personal Problems

By this we mean ...

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Originally posted by WretchedCrook

Except it clearly isn't a personal issue, finding that out was exactly the point of the post. If they bothered to maybe read the comments or the post maybe they'd realize this but whatever, I got my answer before these very qualified individuals removed it lol, so thanks to everyone who contributed.

I get what you mean but we get 20 posts like yours a day, and there isn't much of an answer to be given past "yeh it doesn't work". Yes, matchmaking sucks right now, and yes, hirez is aware, so no, there is no need for 20 same posts per day.

Edit: Just to be clear, its not only us moderators who think that, people on this sub are annoyed by the spam as well, hence why your post was in reported queue


Originally posted by WretchedCrook

"Personal" problems btw, great moderating!

By personal it is meant no problems that occur to an individual, nothing more.

26 Oct


Hello u/WretchedCrook and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

No Personal Problems

By this we mean /r/Smite is not your personal blog, soapbox or helpdesk. Posts we...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


Using autism as an insult isn't really acceptable in today's day and age, and frankly, the entire comment just shows how much anger and hostility you contribute to the issue.

25 Oct


Hello u/AllSkillzN0Luck and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Community Content

Skin concepts. Skin concepts must include artwork. You may not find an image of something...

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Hello u/NoSurrend3r and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

RULE 8 - Low-Effort

Low value, low-quality content is not allowed on r/Smite. Examples of which include:

  • Meme...
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Hello u/TheCewwwn and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Please wait 72 hours between creative content posts.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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Hello u/TheCewwwn and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Please wait 72 hours between creative content posts.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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