From 8.4 Patch Notes: (and nothing more has been said or shown since then)
This map is planned to launch in Q4 2021.
This new map is being designed to feel like both the Siege Rework and the Clash Rework, but at the same time. We are aiming to create a mode that both Siege mains and Clash mains will enjoy playing.
When looking at the problems with Siege, the team noticed that many aspects of Clash could be applied to help improve it. Clash had similar issues to be solved using Siege mechanics.
The two maps occupy a similar gameplay space in SMITE: Higher Combat, Lower Strategy – but with real lanes, towers, and jungle objectives. These design conclusions are what compelled us to merge them into one map. As the merging of the best parts of each map is such a primary goal – the name Slash will be sticking.
It will feature both Maya and Egyptian environments – each tied to the respective bases.
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