
Smite Dev Tracker

01 Sep


Hello u/Adm_Pit and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Rule 2 - No Witchhunting

Posting witchhunts against players, communit...

Read more

31 Aug


Originally posted by AdDefiant1286

Thank you

Please do not use the link provided by the now removed comment, the artwork is stolen from the author and is probably a scam!


Originally posted by SgtBacn

do you have one yourself?

Please do not use the link provided by the now removed comment, the artwork is stolen from the author and is probably a scam!


this effect is not intended, and will be fixed soon

30 Aug


Originally posted by VictoryTheCat

I’m imagining you making that Will Smith face while making your argument.

It’s not worth the limitation on wards. Maybe in arena stacking health chalice and barons brew is the play?

Edit: that’s a joke ^ thought it was obvious

But... If you were going to buy 3 multi-pots, then why would you not buy Baron's Brew (which just flat heals more) and sell it after the initial 3 uses if you don't want it later? It's the same cost for a more effective potion.

29 Aug

28 Aug

27 Aug