
Spellbreak Dev Tracker

27 Apr

26 Apr

25 Apr


Originally posted by xdrvgy

With same cost, the same players at platinum can keep playing against the same playerbase which over time rises into Legend, playing exactly equally difficult matches in terms of ability to gain crowns.

Yes, maybe more intensely grinding players tend to be better, but thats no different from simple mage level categories.

Maybe the relatively big cost subtraction will differentiate the speed at which differently skilled players rise in a season, but it's still directly multiplied by time played which means that effort can be used to replace skill, and that the plat-legend range is quite heterogenous mix of differently skilled people.

"[...] the same players at platinum can keep playing against the same playerbase which over time rises into Legend", No, only the players who don't lose crowns will rise. That's the intent, anyway. (The updated accolade values next patch aim to further address this. In particular, whether you win the match will be far more important.)

24 Apr


Originally posted by xdrvgy

Good changes, and good to hear about upcoming emphasis on winning.

BUT, plat, diamond and legend having same 1500 entry cost does not make sense. That makes them the same rank with just different amount of grind if you can get over 1500 on average.

Also, I still find myself gaining crowns pretty easily with current accolades. I guess I just belong to Legend. Or not. It seems 1500 is still too low hurdle that doesn't contain all skill levels.

The idea here is that you'll be facing harder players at higher Leagues, so it'll be harder to maintain the same Crown winnings as you go up. We're monitoring to see if this proves out, and can always adjust tiers/costs later.

23 Apr

Hey y'all, we've got a second hotfix on the back of yesterday's to clean up some issues with matchmaking.

  • Fixed an issue where players would be put on servers in suboptimal regions, resulting in higher pings. This appears to have been most common in Europe.
    • Important note: your preferred region will still not be chosen 100% of the time. The matchmaking system can potentially put you into a different region (where ping is still low enough to be playable) if it cannot make a match in your preferred region within a reasonable amount of time.
  • Fixed a rare matchmaking issue issue where BR players could sometimes end up in a match with all bots, even though a player match could be found.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the player could get stuck in an infinite matchmaking queue. This was also another cause of unbalanced teams sometimes happening in Dominion.
  • Increased how long the matchmaker waits to find an optimal 5v5 mat...
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