
Stellaris Dev Tracker

08 May

07 May

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lucipher: im trying to play the game, ts able to load and launch but when i click on new game it stays frozen and wont go to the next screen unless i alt tab out and re click o it and itll be on a new screen is there a way to fix this? or is it a bug?

Hello. With issues, it is always good to try to verify the game cache as that can solve many issues. Instructions can be found in this thread: ... Read more
    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The post is from 2016, so I locked it because we shouldn't encourage necro-bumping.

In addition to this, there can be multiple posts that are "helpful" and may seem like an answer, so I, not being the OP, am not going to retroactively search and decide which post is the best, especially not in a 4-year old thread.

As Mansen's edit says, moderators can mark answers.

I will remind you not to publicly argue with moderator actions as that is against the rules. Thank you.
Hello everyone!

As we’re approaching the 4th anniversary of the release of Stellaris, I thought we would take a look at what Stellaris is, and how much has changed since its release on May 9th 2016.

Stellaris was the studio’s first original IP in many years, so when we released the game we didn’t really know exactly what makes Stellaris. As a natural consequence of that the game has changed a lot since release as we explored what the game is really about, and which experiences we think are fun and valuable.

Stellaris is an exploration-focused space-fantasy strategy game that explores dystopian and utopian themes in a playful and light-hearted manner. There is no one “true” timeline and it's important that players are able to tell their own stories – every story is equally true.

The best thing we can do is provide more tools for storytelling, and of course new gameplay to make playing the game more interesting.

A Look Back Stellaris has had ... Read more

06 May

05 May

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kempeorlaxan: I really start to love this game lol.

Glad you're enjoying it. I ask that you try to keep your thoughts in one post if possible. You can always edit your last post if you'd like to add something to it instead of making 3 different posts.

Thank you! Have fun.

04 May

03 May

02 May

01 May