
Stellaris Dev Tracker

30 Apr

Hello everyone!

Today’s dev diary will show you some of the improvements we’ve made to federations for the upcoming free update!

Federation Voting
Since the release of Federations and the 2.7 update we’ve wanted to make some improvements to how voting in federations is handled. Most of the improvements are related to UI and better feedback, but there’s also been some changes to functionality.

You are now able to use Favors to increase the acceptance chance for your AI-controlled federation members.

You are now able to use Favors to increase the acceptance chance for federation law proposals.

We’ve also changed how AI acceptance works for federation laws, so that it is more transparent and more consistent with other features in the game. We look at the AI attitude a lot more now, and it will ... Read more

29 Apr

    PDX_Moderator_2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by bri: Where are the mods? They jump all over sort of saying someone's a noob and let that garbage get spammed all over the place? gg...

Apologies. I am not awake 24/7. Have been on/off trying to contain it since it came to my attention. We are considering changing the posting requirements for the sub until this attack is over.

28 Apr

27 Apr

26 Apr

25 Apr

24 Apr

23 Apr


Today we’ll touch upon a subject dear to the hearts of many galactic rulers - namely Edicts!

Edicts are meant to be a way for your empire to focus on certain issues without necessarily taking a permanent stance on them. More permanent stances on issues would be covered by Policies.

Although we felt that Edicts do fit this role pretty well, there were a couple of issues with the system that we think could be improved. The fact that Edicts would always time out felt like a little bit of unnecessary micromanagement at times, and didn’t really emphasize the feeling of “I am choosing to focus on these 2 things right now”. We felt that it would fit better if Edicts had a greater emphasis on making choices that you can go back and change, rather than being things you constantly go in and refresh.

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