Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

13 Jan

It's not simply about the squad being undersized. GLs can (and should be able) to beat other GLs. It's more so that a GL + Conquest character is the current pinnacle, and they should not be defeated by a GL in a much weaker squad.

11 Jan


Very interesting - I didn't see it anywhere, but I assume this is a Marquee? Also interesting how her full name is "Inferno Squad" - do we expect a rebel version of her to come out too??

Apparently, the official name is simply "Iden Versio"
I added the "(Inferno Squad)" bit after reading some notes on the design page referencing the inspiration of the character kit.

I've since updated the posts to remove the (Inferno Squad)" from her title.

06 Jan


Better than the first episode IMO.
Hoping this series brings a couple more tuskens to the game as well as a rework to the faction itself - tis definitely time they got some attention!

Personally, I would like to see this as well.

I’m honestly really liking how these shows have been delving more into the Tuskens and their way of life.

Same! It's great to explore their culture instead of just having them be some creeps on a ridge taking cheap shots at farmers as they go by in their speeders.
Thanks for starting this thread Ultra!

I enjoyed "Boba Goes to Burning Man" (what I'm calling this episode due to the Playa and lizard trip vibes). Agree with Ultra about the inconsistency with the assassin. But, that doesn't bother me as much as the habit sci-fi shows have of putting their characters on fast-moving vehicles without windshields or goggles and they never get watery eyes or smacked by a bug. I'm fine with lasers, interstellar travel, and magic. But, c'mon with the no protective eyewear haha

Also, not sure why one would need a train to transport goods across the planet, when there are many, many space ships that could just land closer to where the stuff needs to be delivered, but whatever. I'm fine w assuming it was to avoid detection by Customs.

09 Dec

Thanks for bringing this to my attn.

I reached out to devs and the removal of Steadfast Retribution was for the Conquest that was running at that time.

It was brought back as a possibility to appear in Hard Mode. However, it's the less difficult version of the modifier than the original.

02 Dec


So I am currently studying Games in college, and I was wondering, how do you test character balancing? Do you just test a character with as many characters as possible, or only ones with synergies? Also on average how many iterations would you say a character goes through?

"Each game will need to test character balancing in a different way. What works for SWGOH might not (and probably won't) work for any other game just due to the way our game systems interact and the tools we have on hand."



Do I need to resubmit my questions from the announcement thread link here?

No. Crumb collected the questions from the other thread.

So questions asked only in this thread will not be included?

Questions asked in this thread are also being monitored and passed along.

Do I need to resubmit my questions from the announcement thread link here?

No. Crumb collected the questions from the other thread.
Re: 3v3 Questions:

We are not planning on splitting 5v5 and 3v3 GAC brackets at this time, but we will only be running 5v5 Grand Arenas while we monitor the initial tuning of the system. Once we run 3v3 we will keep a close eye on how this performs.


TOPIC: General Questions

1. Can you please confirm that payout for fleet arena will remain as is.
2. I have twice forgotten to join GAC because life happens. While this was bad, it wasn't devastating. It seems with these changes it will be much more devastating. Any thoughts to having an auto join system with a button to lock your mods and if you forget to lock them it just locks the mods you have at the start of the event?

Currently no plans to change Fleet Arena.
As far as your other question, pretty sure that'll be addressed when the devs join.




If CG is considering auto-joining, then autoset defense should set the weakest GP toons of a roster instead of top GP imo

Is this a Q?

Good question

but we are keeping this Q&A to GAC related questions today

I wasn't expecting an A.

Like me my senior year of college.

The wording on QGJ Omi has been bugging me. As it stands it literally means the team is unkillable without a GL. Since it says "jedi allies can't be defeated while QGJ is active" and we know from previous statements that you're considered an ally of yourself. I don't think this is how it's intended to work but it's what it literally says currently.

We are keeping this Q&A to GAC related questions today but since I'm here, it means all other Jedi allies

TOPIC: Reward Questions

Q: When will the changes go into effect for Squad Arena vs Grand Arena - the daily averages that you give are across a whole season, however if you turn off SA at the outset then we lose the rewards immediately, and won't get them back until end of the GAC season.
[*] A: Players will receive a Skill Rating, League and Division the first time they log in after they reach level 85. Once they have this League and Division, they will start getting Daily Rewards, even if a Grand Arena is not currently active. -Jay
Q: What happens if I don't join / Can I just not join and get the daily reward forever?
[*] A: If you don't join a GAC Event, your skill rating will drop as if you took 2 losses against an equal opponent. Effectively, this gives 1 round of "loss forgiveness" (eg 2 instead of 3), but ensures that Players who don't partic... Read more
TOPIC: Gameplay Questions

Q: Can you confirm the starting league and division for this first new GAC will be based solely on the GP thresholds from the state of the galaxy last table?
[*] A: Yes, starting League and Division will follow the thresholds listed in the State of the Galaxy. There is a much more granular table that will set a player's starting Skill Rating and that will determine who is matched together. -Jay

Q: What happens if I hit 85 during an off week?
[*] A: You'll immediately receive a Skill Rating and be assigned a League and Division (somewhere in carbonite). Your Daily Rewards per that League and Division should pay out as of the next payout time.
Matchup scheduling is universal, so you'll receive your first match when the next season's matches start. -Jay

Q: Can you confirm the sta... Read more
TOPIC: General Questions
Q: What are the plans for fleet arena? Are Crystals moving or are planned to be moved from there as well?
[*] A: At the moment, no. Fleet Arena will be unchanged when this update launches. In the future, it depends on the outcome and what we learn from this set of Grand Arena changes. Long term, we'd consider a similar change for Fleet -- but there are clearly a lot of related considerations, including: Fleet scale/diversity of tactics, what "new home" Fleet Arena would find, etc. -shortpaw

Q: What happens if there is a larger than anticipated break from grand arena? Will we receive crystal compensation for the daily rewards we will miss?
[*] A: Following these changes, GAC's schedule should be much more consistent. Without diving into scenarios & specific promises, if we have a major (multi-day) delay to GAC, we'll address... Read more

17 Nov

It'll happen with the update later today.

02 Nov

"This version of Boba Fett is entirely based on his performance in the battle on Tython, after he recovers his armor from the Razor Crest. The artists drew much of their inspiration for the animations from the show as well."

i am against accelerating CWC shards

As am I. Three is the tradition. I have stated this in chats/Discord etc, and I stand by it.

So, you can blame me for not getting six, but I also asked to make sure we include CWC shards in this inbox package, so it would've been zero if I hadn't made the request. Haha