Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

31 Aug


@CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI

In all honesty, we know it’s not you guys. We get it that player spending pays the bills. But the changes to conquest are sucking the life out of one of the best game modes.

Win 14 battles with x team, the worst part of conquest. I like more feats, but repeatable chore type feats are not fun. Theory crafting feats, or fun to achieve feats are great.

More energy per attempt, not a fan.

Bugs happen, but play testing must be a behind the scenes issue.

To sum up, so many of us love the game, and want to keep playing for a long time. Go tell the man behind the curtain that he needs to listen to the player base. Whales and ftp can enjoy this mode, and it’s possible to monetize it without killing it.

Thanks for your hard work, and dealing with all of us unappreciative players. We know you can make this game great.

I... Read more

30 Aug




Just wondering if we are going to be reimbursed tickets/crystals we spent on the event…

Crystals spent on energy and anything spent on consumables will be returned.

Still offering. I know a guy. He can help get the QA back on track. He works on billion dollar Navy ships.

If the person is a servicemember, please thank them for their service!

And with those qualifications, I'd definitely encourage them to apply with us (or any other studio) if they want to work in the games industry.

Just wondering if we are going to be reimbursed tickets/crystals we spent on the event…

Crystals spent on energy and anything spent on consumables will be returned.



I'm not sure "several" covers it lol.

"Various" felt too vague and "cornucopia" seems too festive.

I get the attempt at humour to mitigate some of the tension but this is an infuriating flippant response to the player community.

It was a response to TVF's post. The issue itself is being taken very seriously by everyone in the studio, including me.

If you don't like how I choose to interact with the community, feel free to let EA know.

I'm not sure "several" covers it lol.

"Various" felt too vague and "cornucopia" seems too festive.

26 Aug

The update got delayed to today (approx 11:15am PT).

25 Aug


No double drops with this group. Disappointing.

Double Drops are coming August 28th and 29th. This will also be announced in a post later today once the Update goes live.

23 Aug




How about the "spam remover" portrait?

Oh, the most powerful and rare portrait of all??? How dare you bring that up.

I brought nothing up. And nothing happened.

I had not considered this. Move along.

How about the "spam remover" portrait?

Oh, the most powerful and rare portrait of all??? How dare you bring that up.
My .02 is that specific titles and portraits achieved by completing something in-game should be earned through playing the game and completing that feat/event/etc.

If there's a particular title or portrait you can't get bc the event or pathway to achieve it has been removed from the game or hasn't been re-ran in ages, then please lmk and I can reach out to the devs to ask if they plan on running that event again.
Feat counter is at the top of my QoL asks and I will continue to leave it there and push for it to make it in game.

Bring back themed TW with faction bonuses. 3v3 is disgusting

Not saying this in an official capacity. More personal/speculative:
I could see the faction bonuses happening before 3v3.

20 Aug

Not every GC will feature ships. They'll likely run 1-2x per month.
As with all events, dates and content are subject to change.

18 Aug

The following is my personal take. Not studio official:

I'm stoked for Visions! As far as incorporating characters, that would be interesting...particularly from an art standpoint. It'd be interesting to see those characters interpreted in the SWGoH art style and how they could be implemented.

11 Aug



New Slave I pilot confirmed.

They updated her image too

I have a real love/hate reaction to this image. Like, it's really good, but it's also awful...but still good. And def bad.
Thank you to the OP for the kind words, especially pointing out CG_Puck's efforts!

I didn't realize how the timing of the announcement would trigger folks to theorize the fix only happened due to the arrival of Executor on the holotables. In hindsight, it's a bummer this was the reaction, but I understand how frustration can lead to speculation. So, it is what it is.

But I will say this; I am unaware of any aspect of Executor's kit and interactions that would affect it's status in the fleet meta due to the Unending Loyalty bug. It took so long to fix because it was like trying to shoot a rubber band gun and hit a fly in a rainstorm that would only appear during an eclipse in an odd numbered month.

Maybe not that difficult, but you get the point. It was a frustrating bug to fix, it was difficult to track down and reproduce, and I'm glad it's gone.
The audio folks said this is something they're looking at, but don't know for certain if/when it would happen. It also would req some engineering work. But, at least we know it's something they are considering.
Not sure what it would take to be able to have the option to select Mando music over the default soundtrack, but I'll run up the flagpole.