Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

29 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update encompasses many important changes, most of which are discussed in greater detail elsewhere. Please be sure to check out the links below in order to prepare for the upcoming changes and be more informed about when they are happening and what they entail.

The biggest changes accompanying this update are related to Relic 9, Territory War changes, Rancor Pit Raid Challenge Tier reward changes, and some exciting changes that affect the Gear economy!

In addition to all the above, there are some fixes, updates, and known issues.

You can find the Event Calendar for October here, and the monthly login character is Jango Fett.

We’ve added some additional fi... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We have some exciting news! There are several important changes coming to Galaxy of Heroes we want to tell you about. Some of the changes outlined below are in today’s update and others will come in the near future. Today’s update brings a new matchmaking system to Territory Wars, adds a new set of rewards, and introduces Relic 9. This also sets the stage for big changes to gear in Galaxy of Heroes. There is a ton to talk about today so let’s dive right in.

Today’s Update brings a whole host of changes to Territory Wars. The main objective is to provide a better and more competitive experience in Territory Wars.

Division Changes
It’s been a while since we have updated Territory War Divisions and it is getting a bit crowded at the top end of the Divisions as we release more and more ways to increase your GP. We have expanded upper divisions with 8 new Divisions to account for the growing GP of... Read more

24 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware of and investigating reports of increased difficulty of Shaak Ti missions in the Geonosis Territory Battle.

23 Sep

Hello Holotable Heroes,

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for October 2021.

Daily Login Character for October: Jango Fett

22 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s Update fixes an issue with the Geonosian Additive Drops event.

  • EVENT - Light Side Normal Stages 1-4 are now included in the Geonosian Additive Drops event.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware of an issue with Geonosian Galactic Chase additive drops not being included on some Light Side Normal nodes.

We are investigating this issue and will have more details tomorrow.

16 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

The results are in, and the winner of our first Galactic Chase Community Survey is…


The votes were very close, with a slim margin of victory - less than one percent!

We appreciate those of you who took the time to make your voice heard. Keep an eye on the forums for more details about the next Galactic Chase Community Survey.


15 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update addresses several issues with Conquest 7 as we prepare for Conquest 8. These changes will be in effect for the next Conquest. Speaking of which, Conquest 8 begins next week on Monday, September 20th!

  • EVENT - Conquest thermal detonators from "Thermal Exhaust" are now properly unresistible and description has been updated to state they are unresistible.
  • EVENT - Conquest Sector 1 Boss fight now properly counts the number of stuns needed for completion.
  • EVENT - Defeating enemy summoned units now counts towards the "Grand Victory" feat in Conquest.
  • EVENT - Enemies defeated by post-transformation Sith Eternal Emperor and Jedi Master Luke now properly count towards the "Grand Victory" feat in Conquest.
  • EVENT - Updated description of the Conquest “Opportunistic Support” Data Disk to match functionality.
  • EVENT - Deathmark f...
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09 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

You may have noticed alongside our recent update that a new Galactic Chase centered on the Geonosian faction has been announced. We are experimenting with the idea of making Galactic Chases a more frequent event, and rotating the unit(s) that will be featured.

Which units come next are yet to be determined. Furthermore, we’d like your help in making that decision!

That’s right, the link provided in this forum post takes you to a survey asking for your input on which units you’d like to see featured in upcoming Galactic Chases. We’ll provide a list of options, and y’all get to vote on which of those options you’d like to chase in future events.

To start things o... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today's Server Update delivers an inbox to players who reached Geonosis Territory Battle Phase 2 but did not achieve 3 stars in Phase 2's ship zone. Read this post for more information. Please restart your game to receive the inbox message containing the following rewards:
  • 400 GET1
  • 500 GET2
  • 500 Crystals

08 Sep


Hi Holotable Heroes,

Anakin has fallen! In his place Lord Vader has risen and is ready to bring peace to his new Empire by any means necessary.

Lord Vader provides the Empire faction with a dedicated Galactic Legend, and with his anger fueling his attacks, Lord Vader is not to be underestimated. In addition to Empire and Sith factions, Lord Vader synergizes extremely well with Dark Side Unaligned Force Users, such as Maul. With a host of unique abilities and powerful attacks, Lord Vader truly rises to the title of Galactic Legend!

See the “Characters and Ships” section below for more details.


Geonosian Galactic Chase
For a limited time, the Geonosian characters have been added to various nodes as bonus drops. During this event, the drop rate for each character has been scaled to energy required in ... Read more
[Developer Insights - Kit Reveal ]


Hi Holotable Heroes,

Anakin has fallen! In his place Lord Vader has risen and is ready to bring peace to his new Empire by any means necessary. Red tape? He’ll cut through that! Bureaucracy? He’ll cut through that! Guards at the Jedi Temple? He’ll [REDACTED BY ORDER OF THE EMPIRE].

More machine than man now, there was a time after Anakin Skywalker was a Jedi and before he became a helmeted hooligan in which Lord Vader was possessed by passion and consumed by rage. The following Developer Insights explain how that period was used as i... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Lord Vader comes to the holotables later today, but you can find an interview with the designer, CG_Mouse, right now on Operation Metaverse's channel! Check out Lord Vader's kit and see him in action in the video below.

02 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

I wanted to provide an update to the Dark Side Geonosis Territory Battle Phase Two Fleet issue.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we expect to provide the GET1, GET2, and crystals to your inboxes next week.

Thank you for your patience.
Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today's update returns the Crystals and Conquest Currency used to purchase consumables and energy refreshes during the initial run of Conquest 7 to players’ inboxes. You will need to restart the game to receive this inbox message.

  • GENERAL - Returned the Crystals and Conquest Currency used to purchase consumables and energy refreshes during the initial run of Conquest 7.

  • EVENT - Defeating units with a transformed Sith Eternal Emperor or Jedi Master Luke Skywalker does not count towards the "Grand Victory" feat

01 Sep

Hi Holotable Heroes,

As a result of rescheduling the Conquest 7 event, we will be returning crystals and Conquest Currency used to purchase consumables and energy refreshes during the initial run of the event to players’ inboxes.

This will happen via a Server Update tomorrow.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

There is some confusion around why some feats that require defeating enemies are not counting in some circumstances. These feats are working properly but the explanation requires a deeper understanding of how damage is applied from effects like Damage Over Time, Thermal Detonators, Expose, and Plague.

When a unit is damaged from effects like Damage Over Time, Thermal Detonators, Expose, and Plague, the unit afflicted by the debuff considers itself as the unit dealing the damage (and dealing the killing blow if this damage defeats the unit). What this means in practice is that if you attack a unit that has Expose and the Expose damage is what actually defeats the enemy, then your squad will not get credit for the defeat and it will not count towards your Feat progress.

We understand this interaction is not intuitive and will monitor its impact on the current Conquest.
Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today's update reschedules Conquest 7 to run for 2 weeks starting today (09/01) at 11am PST (18:00 UTC). We have fixed a number of issues with Conquest. See below for a list of fixes and other known issues. One feat was removed, "Bring Balance", and it’s keycards were distributed to other feats.

Please note, any crystals spent on Conquest energy and anything spent on consumables during the canceled event will be returned in a future update.

  • EVENT - “Caustic Recurrence” Data Disk was removed from Conquest 7
  • EVENT - "All Separatist" feat can now only be completed with a full squad of Separatists.
  • EVENT - Hard Mode battles now award 20 Conquest Credits instead of 10
  • EVENT - Razor Crest was removed from Scavenger for Crystals but is still available for Conquest Currency. It was added to Conquest Shipments for purchase via Conquest Currency and Crystals...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

Conquest 7 is scheduled to restart in the next couple hours! There will be a hotfix this morning to reschedule the event to start at 11am Pacific Time. We have fixed several issues and removed a few encounters to ensure this Conquest runs smoothly. Full details of what’s changed will be in the Hotfix Update Notes.

Thank you for your patience on this issue.

30 Aug

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today's update removes the Conquest 7 event after several issues were identified. Doing so will allow us to fix the issues and deliver a smoother Conquest experience in the near future. For more information, see the related forum post here.

Please note, crystals spent on energy and anything spent on consumables will be returned.

See below for a list of other known issues.


[*] EVENT - Several data discs that have un-resistible effects that are missing the un-resistible tag in gamedata
[*] EVENT - The "Bring Balance" feat i... Read more