Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

16 Apr


I noticed that your timer ran out without a "Draw!" message coming up. What happened afterward?


Was your Luke faster than the enemy team? (It looks like there was already some damage dealt to you and the enemy team, so I guess he was slower, but I want to make sure).

15 Apr


Originally posted by psychfan5

Not sure if this helps, but it seems to be happening a in this TB when Han stuns someone vs a GG wave 4. There have been a bunch of posts about it in the past few days.

That was our first assumption as well but after extensive testing that doesn't seem to be the cause.


Originally posted by rohhhk

Thanks for your answer! Nothing to add right now but will keep on investigating. My last attempt made me really question the fact that crit damage multiplier was applied. I'll let you know what I find out these next days

Sound good! Thanks for the effort =)


Can you PM me your ally code and the date and time this happened, please, so that we can have a look? Thanks!


We've checked SEE, and he is stacking Mastery as intended when a deceived or linked enemy is using an ability. Anything else you've noticed or can add that might be helpful?

14 Apr


I made most of these forever ago. Back when we were discussing if portraits where worth making I made like 40 in a day to make sure we had a backlog (which is why we have unreleased ones) and kept the habit to make portraits out of new event/marquee images as they came up. That way design always has options when they need portraits and minimizes the art requests.

Still annoyed they haven't used the Scavenger Rey one though, its the best one.


We figured it out and paused that message for now, whilst the team is working on it. You shouldn't see it anymore until we turn it back on.


Looks like that message is missing text and assets. The team is looking into it right now.


Rest assured that it is a top priority, and we will address several crash issues with the upcoming title updates. See the official announcement HERE

12 Apr


Make sure you have enough space on your phone. If that is the case already, try a clean and fresh install of the game.


Thanks for raising this! We have flagged it for review and investigation now.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have flagged this for review now.


Originally posted by crunchysauces

They’ve flagged this already, no word on when it’ll be fixed though.

^ This. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an ETA for a fix but rest assured that the team is already looking into it.


Try switching to a different connection (WiFi to cellular or the other way around).

09 Apr


Originally posted by SirDoober

The animators have always been solid, they just get to flex a bit with these guys


spoiler alert, except for a 3 month interval 2 years ago, its always been one animator.

08 Apr


Originally posted by Commentnotcomment

"allies cannot gain bonus TM and are immune to TM manipulation"? That only adds 6 words to the ability description and then correctly states what is happening.

Well, you can swap turn meter, so that would be considered turn meter manipulation.


I agree that the wording can be a bit confusing. Unfortunately, without making it too wordy/repetitive there is no easy way to make the description reflecting 100% correctly as to what the unique ability is supposed to do.

TLDR: The ability does what it should, just the description might be a bit confusing.